When I’m 64 …

Today my brother Johnny would be 64. Being a drummer in the 60s, The Beatles were one of his favourite groups and had a big influence on him. In the 60s, the song When I’m 64 seemed ancient, but now that I’m 62, it seems like 100 is ancient.


Johnny age 14, his first drum kit before he got his Ludwig drums

My cousin Marion called from Germany and we had a nice talk reminiscing when she came for a visit in the 60s. Her memory is so vivid about Johnny and it warms my heart to hear her talk about him. She was 11 and he was 15. My cousin Sylvia called too and it really brightens my day. Thank you so much my dear cousins!!! ❤

Marion and Johnny

Marion and Johnny ca. 1954

My last time at the grave site on Johnny’s birthday in Toronto.

Toronto Toronto 4 Toronto 3 Toronto 2

A myriad of good memories …

Unpleasant memories fade like wilting flowers but the happy memories are treasures of the heart and remain vivid in my mind!!!

Any comments today will bring a smile to my heart as anyone who has lost someone dear to them will know. Comforting one another is a great joy in life!


Thank you for reading this post and may God comfort all who mourn, and give us hope and peace in our hearts!

love and blessings


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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26 Responses to When I’m 64 …

  1. Just wanted to wish you a very happy Mother’s Day Carmen!


    • carmen says:

      Thank you Celeste! I just posted my Mother’s Day post.
      I am grateful for my three wonderful children.
      Enjoy Mother’s Day with your mom!

      Thanks Chica!

      ❤ carmen


  2. I don’t know what it is like to lose a sibling Carmen, nor what it would be like to lose one at such a young age but all the commentators are correct, what beautiful memories you share and what a wonderful way to remember him. Your heart is more beautiful than even your fashion sense (and considering how stunningly your present your self and your fashion that is saying something!) and that is the way it should be.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much my dear Julie! It’s so comforting to have these kind comments. Your compassion and love is a real blessing to me. Death is a sad part of life and I know you lost your mom at a fairly young age. We both celebrate Mother’s Day without our moms here, but God’s promises assure us that there will be no more death – Rev. 21:4. That’s a promise I am looking forward to!

      I thank God for the miracle in your life!
      Love conquers all!!
      Happy Mother’s Day!

      ❤ carmen


  3. Bob says:

    I am late with my hugs to comfort you.


    • Bob says:

      PS……As you say, “Johnny would have been would have been 64..you are 62″…..my sister is 62.
      Did you know any Kenwell in Willowdale? Frank (Frankie) or John (Johnny)


      • carmen says:

        Thank you my dear friend Bob! Hugs are always welcome and needed!!
        I appreciate your comforting words!!

        ❤ carmen


        • Bob says:

          Another year has passed and we are here to recall the memories of good times and to reflect on what might have been….sigh….more WHs and comforting thoughts reach out to you….:) ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Red Tag Chic Los Angeles says:

    Thanks for sharing lovely memories of Johnny with us…..we should be honored by it! And you are really rocking hot at 62 Carmen…..you’re my idol!!!



    • carmen says:

      Thank you so very much my dear Rebecca! You have blessed my heart!!! You are a natural beauty and you have a radiant smile that reflects your loving heart!!

      Happy Mother’s Day!!!

      ❤ carmen


  5. I enjoy your posts about Johnny. Of course it’s a sad topic, but it’s a way to keep his memory alive. And your memories and photos are all I have. I never got to meet my uncle Johnny. I’m glad you visited his grave. It’s a nice way to devote time to reminiscing about him.


  6. First of all, you ROCK 62 Carmen!! Secondly, my heart goes out to you about your brother. I’ve been fortunate that I have not yet had much loss in my life, so I can only imagine what it’s like for you. I’m sure it’s hard, however; and I feel for you. Sending positive thoughts your way. Celeste 🙂


    • carmen says:

      Thank you very much Chica! You know my #1 secret – vegan. So you are on the same path 🙂 You have been blessed that have not suffered the loss of a sibling, which most people take for granted. I learned early in life that it can happen to anyone, because it happened to me. Love one another, cherish the moments and treasure our families and friendships!!

      ❤ carmen


  7. utesmile says:

    Carmen, You always have lovely memories and the love will never cease even when our loved ones are in heaven. We do miss them and ,like my dad, but they are in our hearts!
    Ute ♥


    • carmen says:

      Thank you my dear Ute! I appreciate your kindness, I remember your post about your dad. Missing someone means we love them and the times we shared are precious.

      Heaven is a wonderful place.

      ❤ carmen


  8. Doug says:

    I’m guessing that it was around 1961 or 62 when I first met Johnny. We were both students at Willow Junior High and had a mutual friend in Les Sax, who ended up in the band Johnny went to California with. I think that was in 1966? I got down to L.A. a few times in later years, but they had all parted ways by then and I didn’t see him. The next time was in Toronto, when I was working at Sam The Record Man’s as a salesman. Much to my surprise, Johnny walked in the store. I didn’t even know he was back in Toronto. We chatted a bit, but, sadly, that was the last time I was to see him. I heard the news of his passing only a few months later. It was a shock. He was a person who was very full of life, but also someone who lived on the edge. He seemed to have no fear.

    Although I had met your Mother once, for some reason I hadn’t met you and didn’t even realize he had a younger sister. I’m sure I would have noticed you if you were as pretty then as you are now. 🙂 I felt bad for your Mother, as I know she was struggling to bring her children up under difficult circumstances. It was a time of teen rebellion – I was one of them, and a difficult time for parents.

    I know what it’s like to love a sibling. I treasure my two brothers very much. Johnny would be thrilled and moved to know how much you cared for him and still do. ❤


    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much my dear Doug!! How happy you have made me sharing some memories of my brother! When you first mentioned Johnny on the Willowdale FB page, my heart leaped! I’m glad we had a chance to meet when you were visiting and hope to see you next time I’m in California.

      I appreciate you taking the time to write, you have made my heart smile 🙂

      a hug

      ❤ carmen


  9. I am sorry for your loss


  10. jesse.anne.o says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you are remembering fondly. Big hugs.


    • carmen says:

      So good to hear from you Jesse! Thank you for stopping by! I do appreciate your kind words. Hope to see you this summer!

      Thanks for the hugs!!

      ❤ carmen


  11. josepmbadia says:

    My dear Carmen, I know how much you care about your brother and your sorrow for your loss. In a blog about fashion seems impossible to talk about feelings, but you tried several times and you’ve got, that’s why your blog is different, so you’re different. Few things can I say to you day more bearable, you know you’re in my heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you for these comforting words my dear Josep-Maria!! Fashion is my hobby, but my blog is also my real life and writing about matters that are important or of interest to me. I love getting to know people from around the world and I am very happy to have met you. Thank you for being a dear friend and joining me in my blogging journey. Your comments are so encouraging!


      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

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