As seen in

A page to thank my fellow bloggers for shoutouts!

What fun to be featured in Nancy’s GOOD BUY / GOOD-BYE BOOK. This month’s theme was long cardigans.


Thank you so much Terri for featuring me. 

“This week I am featuring Carmen a wonderful Lady from Kitchener  Ontario. She is about an hour and a half southwest from Toronto. Kitchener is sandwiched between  3 of the great lakes, Huron, Erie and Ontario, easy driving distance to all 3. A lot of her summer posts feature the small towns that are on the lake shorelines  and all the cute stores you find in a small town. I always look forward  to “visiting” them through her posts.

Carmen is vegan and likes to take care of the earth. She chooses her clothing carefully and always makes sure it is made by employees who  are treated and paid fairly. Her style is very much feminine which is a  win win for Me to follow her! She looks amazing, and is kept active by being a dance teacher.” ~Terri

Elora by door

How sweet of you to share my style with your readers! You always show pretty and feminine dresses, so I am very pleased to be included!

You have put together a wonderful post and have highlighted some of my favourites, especially the floral dress. You have captured the essence of my blog. I’m glad you’re enjoying Southern Ontario as I take you here on a virtual tour! 🙂


Thank you Patti for including me in your real-life fashion show.

“Carmen of of Fashionable Over 50 is rocking a knit skirt, lace blouse and ankle booties – in the snow. I think that gives us warm climate women an excuse to wear our boots until April. Love Carmen’s textured tights.” ~Patti


Thank you Susan for a wonderful write-up and interview about my vegan lifestyle. Thank you for sharing your delicious and nutritious recipes with us! Compassion is growing.


Thank you Jo-Lynne for including me in Over 50 Fashion Bloggers. 

“I hope this gives you some new fashionable blogs to discover! I love seeing women over 50 putting themselves out there. It’s not easy to do, I can assure you, but these ladies prove that you can still have great style as you age, and they share exactly how to do that. Even though I’m not 50 yet, they inspire me to stay current and adapt the trends to work for me. I hope they inspire you as well.”  ~Jo-Lynne

over-50-fashion-blogs1-700x870denim jacket

Thank you Josep-Maria, my dear fashion blogging partner, for the special post about my summer outfits.


Thank you Dawn Lucy 

“Some fabulous looks from last week’s link up …

Carmen of Fashionable Over 50 is rocking palazzo pants.” ~Dawn Lucy


Linkup with Lisa

“Our MOST VIEWED BEAUTIFUL BLOGGER From Last Week’s Linkup is: Carmen!” ~Lisa



“He estat apartat dels blocs de moda, però he mantingut el contacte ininterromput amb un, el blog de la Carmen Coburn, Carmen Czech de soltera. Perquè el bloc de la Carmen no és, només, un bloc de moda, és un bloc d’una manera de viure, d’una filosofia vital i una il·lusió per la vida, per les persones, per la familia, per la natura, pels animals, per l’alimentació sana, per les creences… És el bloc d’un mite, que s’ha convertit en una gran amiga, la meva amiga canadenca.

La Carmen té 63 anys, a ella no li molestarà que jo digui la seva edat, perquè és una dada que ella no ha amagat mai. La Carmen té fills i nets, és mare i avia, i fa de la seva familia un motiu de felicitat quotidiana, ella és feliç i fa feliç als seus.

Professionalment, ella és professora de dansa (podeu trobar molts videos de les seves classes a Youtube) per a gent gran i per a nens, especialment. La dansa és una part molt important de la seva vida i un altre instrument per repartir felicitat als qui l’envolten, els seus alumnes.” ~Josep-Maria


WABISABI – The Real Beauty Project

“How glad I am that I recently got to know Carmen. She is from Germany, emigrated to Canada at age 5. Her motto: Staying young, fit, healthy and fashionable in the 50-ies and beyond. Really very well done, I would have NEVER estimated that she´s over 50. In addition to her fashion the vegan food is very important for her and there is still a brilliant highlight to discover!! You may you also look forward to many dance videos on her site, which you can watch on YouTube. But no wild jumping around .. oh no! It leads you step by step slowly in the art of dance and from Mambo over to Merengue over to Samba! Do not miss to watch in there 🙂 ” ~Dana


Sydney Fashion Hunter

“My personal favourite this week was Carmen for her lovely white pants outfit (biased much? lol) with a punchy pop of red.” ~Allison

white outfit

Fabulous After 40

Color makes you look alive, and if you are wearing neon, electric! Take a look at how these over 40 style bloggers rock this summer’s neon trend.

Neon with an Urban Vibe

Carmen is a 50+ style blogger who wanted an outfit that would do double for her trip to New York City. It had to be casual but a little trendy, and  it had to be versatile enough to  style a few different ways. These neon yellow jeans and t-shirt worn with a black vest and shoes fit the bill.

This is a look with stand-out style. It’s got a cool, urban vibe and she can mix and match pieces, which means it helps to cut down on her packing.

neon yellow

Fabulous After 40

Pretty in Peplum

Peplum tops, like maxi dresses, were hot this spring. They’re are a great way to dress up an outfit.

Fashion blogger Carmen has fond memories of her mom’s gorgeous red peplum dress with black roses from the 60s and longs to have a wardrobe full of peplum suit jackets with matching pencil skirts just like her mom had.  While in New York City recently, Carmen wore a peplum top with capri pants and strappy black sandals.

Carmen (who is 61 !) loves peplum tops because they are feminine, great for all body types from slim to fuller figures and really create the hourglass that so many of us wish we had. They also make her feel very feminine.

You can see more of Carmen’s feminine and pretty style at her blog, Fashionable Over 50.

Pretty in Peplum

Guest Blogger: 70/30 Remix
~ by Carmen Coburn

People use only 70% of their wardrobes—at least that’s what I recently heard on the radio.

I checked my closet and it looks the other way around in there—I use only 30% of it. Now it’s not that I don’t like the other 70% or have gained weight and can’t wear some outfits (I’ve weighed 115 pounds all my adult life!) So I have a challenge for myself; in the next 30 days I must wear something different every day. No repeats. Not only should I wear a different outfit each day, but each outfit has to include mostly clothes I haven’t worn for a while—things that lie forgotten in my drawers and closet!

I won’t count shoes (I’ll have to wear some of mine a few times), but I will try hard to use as many pairs as possible without repeating. Accessories apply; I have so many scarves and so much jewellery I could open a shop!

In the next month, try not to shop—shop your closet instead and let’s see the gems we find hiding in there!

Care to join me?