Shopping is cheaper than therapy

shopping is cheaper than therapyBesides it being a fun hobby, shopping is a type of therapy. I love shopping anywhere. I love keeping people employed, be it in small shops or mega-malls!

I admire the window displays and they welcome me in to an ambiance surrounded by pretty things. I enjoy the sights of colourful clothes on rows of racks, shelves stocked neatly with sweaters, jewellery arranged as a feast for the eyes, shoes that call out “buy me.” I am continually amazed at the designs and details that people create.


When I saw this black and white polka dot tunic (made in Canada) it looked like it was designed for me! Lace and ruffles, perfect over my capri leggings.

polka dot tunic 1My red sunglasses, bracelet-watch and new red sandals add the pop of colour.

polka dot tunic 2I recently bought these capri leggings, I like the silver button detail.

back of tunic

Pretty jewellery …

A nice stroll to a sidewalk restaurant for a healthy vegetable salad …

polka dot tunic 4I prefer outdoor shopping in good weather because I like to sit outside.

Country Food Co.

Do you do shopping therapy?


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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5 Responses to Shopping is cheaper than therapy

  1. jangrahammcmillen says:

    Looking fabulous and cool as a cucumber in your pretty purchases! Yup … I find it even more therapeutic if I manage to find something grand at a deep discount and in my size. Can make turn a day completely around. I even admit to going for dinner out and shopping after the funeral of a loved one some time ago. Just needed to get out and away from all the tears. Not in the least abashed by it, either!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anything can trigger my wife to shop, and she ends up bringing home more than she referenced getting, upon returning. Lol.

    I am not the type of husband who has issue with this, which is why we work so well together. I love style and her interpretation of fashion. My favorite items to see her wear: the various pumps she purchases and bodycon style dresses.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. utesmile says:

    I love shopping too, window shopping is great and just rummage around is fun… and if there is something nice I can always buy. I bought recently some capri leggings with butterflies on the side. They look gorgeous. see the picture here on the link! I love them!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. jm says:

    Shopping is good therapy, in many cases, but sometimes it is a little expensive. But you’re a very smart person, and you know what is best for you (all you feel perfect) and the best prices. I can say that the capri? The honorary title I granted you the “queen of capri” sums it up. The capris are you, capris are created for you, designed and intended for you. Capris white, black capris, prints dress capris … Those who today are beautiful, and are great with the tunic in black and white, which has a lovely pattern and great design with bows, ruffles, and this wonderful back almost smooth. The touches of red in the glasses, sandals and bracelets are a wonderful touch of Carmen, the great combiner. Pictured back, your hair looks gorgeous, and your figure, needs no comment, it’s clear that’s lovely. Be careful during the holidays, is a particularly pleasant time for shopping, therapy may be too intense. Happy summer shopping …

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love shopping therapy and I prefer to do it alone. I’m deep in thought justifying what I think I need!
    Love your tunic and the leggings with the snaps in the back is edgy-cute!

    Liked by 1 person

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