February Blahs

It’s been a long, bitter cold winter and there are days I just wish I could hibernate. However, getting outside in the fresh air and some sun whenever possible is not only energizing for the body, but it benefits our emotional well-being and helps lift us into a better mood.

February, here in Ontario, is still cold and crisp, but I’m lovin’ the sunshine and the days are getting noticeably longer. It may not feel like it, but Spring is on the way according to the calendar.

I’m shopping for spring clothes and that helps beat the February blahs. I’ve had my red coat from Banana Republic for several years and bought a houndstooth scarf this winter.

red coat 1

It’s a good thing February only has 28 days!

What do you do to beat the February blahs?

Visible Monday

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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28 Responses to February Blahs



  2. Pingback: What’s old is new | fashionable over 50

  3. Inese Poga Art Gallery says:

    You look beautiful, and red really fits you.
    I hate winter entirely, and there’s no difference: January, February, or March like right now. We’re having terrible weather in Whitby, Ontario. My daughter wrote from Latvia they had plus 15 today and she worked with her sons (my grandchildren) in the yard and garden. So envious! Well, good thing is, I’m always busy, painting mostly spring, flowers, sketching some still lives in cheerful colors and writing my boring medical texts, putting together clinical trial conclusions, etc. Giving art classes, trying to make some time for sewing, spring will arrive some time, it’s nice to wear fresh stuff.
    Great blog, I will check out more posts!


  4. dan says:

    Red is so nice on you! And it’s a nice way to brighten cloudy winter days!


  5. davisbe says:

    Thankfully the February BLAHS are over but sadly the cold weather in Canada isn’t 😉 I love your jacket and it is enhanced by that terrific scarf. You look amazing as always, thanks for sharing. 🙂


    • carmen says:

      Ha ha – you made me smile! 🙂 February blahs are over because February is over – good one!! Doesn’t look like spring will come this month.

      Thank you for dropping by again and for your kind comment! I bought Jean the same scarf. I love scarves, especially when it’s cold, it’s more than just a fashion statement.

      Keep warm!
      ♥ carmen


  6. jangrahammcmillen says:

    You look beautiful, Carmen, in your red coat … such a great color on a lovely women. The classic cut just never goes out of style, does it?
    I’m getting the blahs a bit here, even though winter is a favorite time for dressing at my house. I decided some months ago to make sure I wore the items I really love more often, but I didn’t plan on it taking some of my pleasure in them away. They became old-hat too quickly, although I’ve tried not to overdo it, seems I have. I’m not quite ready to shop for spring, yet, but I am ready to plan a bit and have The List going! Shoes … shoes are always first!


  7. Dawn Lucy says:

    Love the red coat with the houndstooth scarf! Adorable hair too!


    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much Dawn! I don’t suppose you southerners experience February blahs! You are so blessed to live in a human-friendly climate! BTW I wrote a comment on your blog and it disappeared when I clicked “publish”

      Fashion is fun!
      ♥ carmen


  8. Very pretty red coat and great boots and scarf! I find a coat in a bright color does help with the winter blues. The scarf is also a nice touch of pattern and great details in the design of this coat. This has been a long winter here in Minnesota also.

    blue hue wonderland


  9. Wine, Carmen, wine!!
    But you don’t look blah in that fab coat and scarf!!


  10. I feel for you with the winter blahs Carmen! When I lived on the East Coast, the cold days seemed to last forever. My husband and I are very fortunate to live in SoCal where the weather has been nice lately. You’re always welcome to come stay with us to get away from the cold – we’d love to have you and your hubby here. Anyway, February is almost over, so the warm weather is coming to you soon!! Celeste 🙂 PS – Lovely coat!


    • carmen says:

      Why thank you Celeste! What a generous offer, I’ll start packing! 🙂 Actually, we have traveled to visit friends and if I do say so myself, we are the perfect guests, we come with references!! People have even let us stay in their homes while they are away. Hubby is the best painter and fantastic handyman! In Germany and Scotland, he has done work for many friends and relatives. Perhaps next winter we’ll go to visit Jean and take a little detour through California!

      California Dreaming! You’ve inspired a blog post!!
      ♥ carmen


  11. Your beautiful red coat helped lift the spirits of all your readers, Carmen! Hold on, Spring is on the way. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!


    • carmen says:

      Awww what a lovely thing to say, Patti!
      I don’t suppose you folks down south ever experience the February blahs!! 😉

      Can’t wait for spring to come!
      ♥ carmen


  12. Suzanne says:

    Normally I would be away somewhere on a tropical beach. This year…the worst year I can remember no trip as my husband is overseas on business and has been for almost 40 days. So he is enjoying summer/heat and I’m suffering through the worst Feb in history. Not fair!

    Love the red coat. I can’t go outside when it is this cold. My face blisters with the cold.



    • carmen says:

      Well, Suzanne–that’s the BEST WAY to beat the February blahs–head for a tropical beach!! That would do it for me! Sorry you got left behind this year, life is not fair! 😉

      I hear you on the too-cold-to-be-outside. I just don’t enjoy frostbite anymore and my nose and toes can’t take more than 5 – 10 minutes. Just enough time to walk from the car to the mall.

      I’d rather be dancing and that helps me beat the February blahs! 😀

      Stay warm and hibernate if necessary!
      ♥ carmen


  13. josepmbadia says:

    That beautiful coat Carmen. I love the design and the color red passion. You look so elegant and pretty with it. Your boots are also beautiful. Soon it will be spring and will see your beautiful dresses and capris 😉 The cold of Ontario also brings out the red in your face, you look pretty. I do not understand the meaning of the word blahs, sorry.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you Josep-Maria! Living in Canada I have collected a few winter coats in various colours: black, white, red, pink, tartan and houndstooth (which was in my last post). But I will do another post on my houndstooth coat.

      BLAHS is likes having the BLUES, it means sad and slightly depressing, feeling down. Not sure how you would say that in Spanish, but we sometimes call it February blahs or winter blues. I don’t think warm, sunny countries experience this feeling.

      I’m looking forward to spring clothes and summer dresses, but I did not pack away my capri pants, I wear them in the winter with long stockings and boots – lol.

      Can’t wait for spring to come!
      ♥ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  14. LFFL says:

    I absolutely LOVE that red coat! How cute! That’s how you beat the winter blues. Wear cute fashionable winter clothes while you can even though this weather sucks. I’m a summer girl myself.


    • carmen says:

      I’m with you, I am definitely a summer girl! As a child I was an avid skater and I could go skating for hours! For awhile I enjoyed cross-country skiing. Sometimes I go tobogganing with my grandchildren. But I’d rather be dancing! 😀

      I ♥ summer!!


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