1950s Lucite Purses

Why reinvent the wheel? I was going to write about this fascinating vintage store we stumbled upon in New York City, but Jean wrote an excellent article and has some interesting facts and fantastic photos to share with you!

♥  Enjoy a cyber-visit to this darling little shop 

Wishing all my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving! Eat your veggies, save a turkey 🙂

happy thanksgiving


One of the nice things about travelling with my parents is that we meet lots of people. I tend to “mind my own business” when I go out; for my parents, everyone’s a friend they haven’t met yet. Even in the Big Apple, they proved amazing people are around every corner. We met cabbies, waiters, artisans, shop keepers, designers, restaurateurs and celebrities.

So it was no surprise that while I popped into a pet supply store in SoHo, my parents were making friends with a shop keeper across the street. We were treated to a history lesson and tour of mid-century American style. Deco Jewels is an antique specialty shop dedicated primarily to vintage Lucite handbags. This tiny store boasts the world’s largest collection. The owner even wrote a book about it!

purse from the book

Carry Me

Lucite, sometimes called acrylic glass, is a modern-era material. It was first used for windshields and…

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About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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6 Responses to 1950s Lucite Purses


    Liked by 1 person

  2. josepmbadia says:

    What a beautiful and interesting store. Lucky to share with your daughter likes and hobbies. You were really nice in the picture with the black bag and the beautiful blouse, which is cute.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you Josep-Maria!! I’m glad you like it. This store is like a little museum, very fascinating! The storekeeper was so informative and took time to explain all the interesting details and stories.

      The blouse from NYC is so soft and feminine, I appreciate your opinion! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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