One year ago today …

Last summer, I took a hiatus from my blog. It was a bittersweet season for me.

On a beautiful day in July, I received a phone call that my dad had been rushed to the hospital in Huntsville (about a three hour drive from where I live in Ontario). I was busy preparing for a house guest (my cousin’s daughter) who was arriving the next day from Germany to spend the rest of the summer with us. Everything can change with one phone call. While I was making plans to see Niagara Falls, the CN Tower and all the tourist sights of our area, my son and I had to pick Lara up at the Toronto airport to drive up north to the hospital instead.

Between juggling trips to the hospital to visit my dad, taking Lara to places of interest and teaching dance classes, there was little else I could accomplish. It was a very emotionally draining and physically exhausting time!

On one of my trips to the hospital, I received the dreaded news – my dad passed away. Now there were funeral arrangements to be made and other things to take care of all while my guest was visiting.

The timing was unfortunate, but sickness and death are never convenient. We didn’t get to do everything I had planned, but looking back at the photos, we made the best of a difficult situation. This, being Lara’s first trip to Canada, I wanted to be sure she sees the sights and enjoys her holidays here.

This is an old photo of my dad and his brother Walter ca. 1940s.

April 24, 1923 - August 14, 2012

April 24, 1923 – August 14, 2012

canadian flag CN tower lake huron stratford swans bell homestead pioneer tower elora lotus tea house huntsville, ontartio


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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10 Responses to One year ago today …

  1. Sorry for your loss Carmen. Celeste 🙂


  2. Beautiful post!!! so sorry for your lost. Your father was a handsome man.
    Kisses darling.


  3. Bob says:

    I am surprised you visited so many sites while your cousin’s daughter, Lara, was here during your father’s passing away……being your second cousin, Lara would be a comfort to you as family members all share the grief in the loss of a loved one but share in the memories, in this case, of your father.
    You know too that your friends comforted you and comfort you as you remember.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Bob! We did even more than I mentioned in this post, plus all my classes. I should add some more pictures.

      Family and friends (even friends we have never met on the blogasphere) are a source of comfort. We have all experienced the agony of death.

      Thanks for being a good friend!!
      Death is inevitable and unpreventable. 😦

      ❤ carmen


  4. Dear Carmen, the passing of a parent always comes as a shock… we always feel we did not say all we wanted to say or did what we wanted to do.. and the end is so final… Both my parents have passed away in the last few years and it is taking me time to grasp the finality of it.. I take comfort in knowing that they had a long and good life. My thoughts are with you… Sara


  5. josep-maria says:

    Beautiful post, Carmen. I have no words …


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