Maggie’s Clothing Exchange Party

My daughter Jean hosts and attends clothing exchange parties in Seattle frequently. My dear friend Maggie is a thrifting specialist and when I told her about Jean’s parties, she thought it was a great idea and has decided to host one every year.

Invitations were sent out to our fashionista friends.

What a huge success! Maggie is a fashion expert and knows how to display and organize, she made it look like a unique boutique. There was plenty of wine and refreshments.

There was a designated area behind a cute curtain where ladies could try on clothes European-style (a shared fitting room). There was also a washroom for the bashful ladies who need privacy!

Three of my favourite items I got: party dress, cape and skirt.

What a fabulous time we all had!

I hope we’ve inspired you to host a clothing exchange party!

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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15 Responses to Maggie’s Clothing Exchange Party

  1. Amy Johnson says:

    What a fun event!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gemma says:

    Looks like a great event!

    Gemma x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, what a wonderful idea. A way to get something new to you without spending the money. Love this.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. purpleslob says:

    What a great idea! And fabulous that all your friends are the same siZe!
    I love a party when you come with presents!
    Merry Christmas, Carmen!
    ❤ Melinda

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Maggie says:

    OMG what a beautiful blog you did for my first Clothing Exchange Party, thanks for taking all the pictures, will be a great memory for us all ! I can’t do it without you , you are my inspiration, looking forward for our next one !

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much for hosting! You did a wonderful job and made it a fun event for everyone! I’m so happy with my “new” things! Looking forward to next time!



  6. Aww what a fabulous idea hosting an exchange party. I am sure Jean has lots of fun going with her keen eye for fashion. Maggie did wonderful in creating a boutique in her home , I love the shoes and I see jewellery, scarves and purses in addition. A shared fitting room works well , but I know some Ladies are self conscious. I love the items you got , the party dress is gorgeous , the cape and skirt also dress up any outfit, great job Dear, Terri xo.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. utesmile says:

    Wow what many clothes to exchange…. your choice is fabulous, I so love that dress!

    Liked by 2 people

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