The SURPRISE of a Lifetime!

Have you ever been surprised? I mean REALLY surprised! Totally and utterly and completely surprised!!

This was the BIGGEST and BESTEST surprise in my entire life!

I had just finished teaching my classes for the day, it was 8:30pm. My husband picked me up and seemed a little hurried to get me out of my class, I usually chat with my dance participants or do a few after class dance requests.

However, I honestly did not suspect anything.

When I walked out the doors of the building, I saw a young lady about three metres away. She had her back to me and was talking on her cell phone. There’s always people coming and going at the centre where I work and this was the first time ever that I said, “That looks like Jean” (our daughter) and I was about to go up to the young lady to tell her I have a daughter that looks like her, when she turned around and to my surprise, it was Jean!!

She came to visit for only two days but we made the best of this short time to enjoy the moment. I’ve captured a few memories of these days that made my heart smile! We went thrift shopping and Jean bought a faux wrap dress similar to one I have (without her knowing it). We went to a line dance with Maggie (where we take our students occasionally). Jean didn’t mind me wearing my dress at the same time because it’s a different colour. We often like the same things and have worn each others clothes.

We stopped by to visit her oldest brother (left) at his office and her young brother (right) came with us. This was the first time I’ve had my three children together in eight years!

With so little time and so much we could do in Southern Ontario, we decided to take a little trip to the St. Jacobs Market and bought a few things.

Vegan chocolate, Jean is holding a cocoa pod.

A mother’s joy to gather her children together, we had a lovely family celebration in our treehouse and a walk in the woods after supper.

A special going away breakfast served on my mom’s beautiful dishes.

Farewell photos …

Breakfast in our house in the morning and at the end of the day sleeping in Seattle.

It was like a dream, did I image this wonderful time?

Thank you with all my heart for surprising me and making a memory to last a lifetime!

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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36 Responses to The SURPRISE of a Lifetime!

  1. What a wonderful surprise! My very favorite thing is when my daughter comes to visit! She lives far away from me and I only see her a couple times a year now….and it’s never enough. So I can imagine the joy of having all your children together!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so glad you liked my surprise. Some people told me not to impose or give you heart attacks. I said you always welcome your kids home anytime and that you have strong hearts. Still, I decided not to jump out of the bushes and frighten dad!

    I had a wonderful time catching up with everyone and I appreciated all the delicious meals and fun conversations.


    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! Glad you didn’t let anyone talk you out of it! I have a strong heart because I’m vegan. 😉 As for our house, it’s still your home too. Perhaps it was a good idea not to jump out of the bushes because I startle easily. 🙂

      Thanks again for making this such a memorable visit! You’ll have me looking around every corner expecting to see you! 🙂

      Love you lots!


  3. Bob says:

    Such a joyous blog……such terrific family memories….. Jean…..I am sorry that I missed you….. I do hope to meet you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. kowkla123 says:

    mein Gruß aus dem sonnigen Norden kommt zu dir, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Louis says:

    C’est une très belle surprise pour toi ! Soyez heureux en famille.
    Amitié de France. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ralph says:

    What a lovely post and a great surprise dear Carmen. A great day for you my friend 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. josep-maria says:

    What a wonderful surprise to see Jean in your home and what a beautiful photo of all your children gathered. I imagine all your happiness for it. It is wonderful to be able to gather the whole family together with you. In some photos, Jean looks a lot like you, I think it’s becoming more and more evident, her eyes, her nose, her lips are yours. A really beautiful post, in which I can imagine all your happiness when preparing it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much! I can hardly believe she was here, it was a fantastic surprise! We had fun thrift shopping and she came with me to my dance class and also a dance in the evening. Having my family, all my children and grandchildren together was very special!

      Thank you for saying Jean looks like me — that is the BEST compliment! 🙂

      Happy weekend!


  8. utesmile says:

    What an amazing surprise for a mum, and all 3 children together. I can see you were more than happy. It is hard when all children are grown up and in different directions. So having them together even for a short time is the most valuable gift for a mum and makes the best memories. Ti is great to see all of them. You have a wonderful family!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much! It really is the BEST gift a mother can have when all her children have grown and we get together for a family celebration! I’m still smiling and so happy for this time!

      Happy weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. So happy for you such a great surprise

    Liked by 1 person

  10. purpleslob says:

    Excellent!! So happy you had such a wonderful time! And all your children and grands together!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks a bunch! A family reunion with all my children and all my grandchildren (I only have two grandchildren).

      Have a sunny weekend!


  11. Maggie says:

    Oh yes ! what a wonderful lovely surprise, I’m so happy for you ! Only if Jean could stay longer will be much better!

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much Maggie! I would have loved a few more days, but two days are better than none. So glad you could join us! 🙂

      Happy weekend!


  12. Great surprise! That is such an incredible pleasure.
    I wish my daughter could do that! Oh well, she is across the Atlantic ocean.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Oh yes! It was incredible!!! Jean lives in Seattle and it feels like she’s a million miles away. My wish for you is that you would have such a pleasant surprise too! It really is amazing and unforgettable!!

      Health and happiness!


  13. Jo Lomas says:

    What a nice surprise. So happy for you Carmen 💕

    Liked by 2 people

  14. finbarsgift says:

    What an event!!
    Liebe Grüße zur Nacht vom Lu

    Liked by 1 person

  15. 925brands says:

    Excellent! Keep sharing smiles, stay motivated…
    Spread smiles, happiness…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Jodie says:

    What a wonderful surprise, Carmen!!! I bet you couldn’t stop smiling even now!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      Smiles from ear to ear!!! 🙂 I keep having wonderful flashbacks of when Jean turned around!! To see her standing there was a pleasant shock!! I thought she was coming in July, but she only said that so she could surprise me. 🙂

      Happy weekend!


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