Summertime Blues

Today is the last day of summer.

This top is is from Dear Goods, Berlin (people, animal and eco-friendly) bought last summer during my holiday in Germany. Being a summer-lovin’ girl, I don’t rush into fall fashion until absolutely necessary.

blue-stripes Version 2 blue-stripes-3


Cute little keyhole on the back.


Stripes are always in style, just one of those timeless patterns that I never get tired of. A cool nautical look that I wish I had brought with me to Seattle because on Sunday we went to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society‘s “open house” (a two-day special event aboard the sailing ship Martin Sheen before they leave for Mexico).  It was very interesting what they are doing to help the animals of the ocean. I’ll be posting about it soon.


Photos of striped top taken in Canada.

Farewell Summer, see you next year!

I miss you already!



About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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20 Responses to Summertime Blues

  1. Oh, summer – for me the best time of the year. And I always feel depressed when it’s gone 😦 . But … we only need to survive 9 months and sunny days will be back. You look great in your summery outfits – cheers – Margot 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much Margot! We both feel the same about summer. Summer is like a best friend; it’s sad to say good bye, happy to have made memories and look forward to when it returns again!

      Have a lovely day!!

      ❤ carmen


  2. Ralph says:

    Very casual dear Carmen 🙂
    It’s still summerish here in southern Spain. Still in the 30° Cs, but dropping. We don’t really have an autumn as such. Okay, the leaves drop and the fruit ripens, but it’s usually still warm until Christmas. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. josep-maria says:

    Summer is over, but autumn is a beautiful season and the autumn colors are beautiful. Your nautical equipment is very nice, the striped shirt is cute and jeans, capris as are … your sign of distinction. The garden is beautiful, and you, you appear in the photos, truly wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Yes, today is the first day of autumn, but the weather in Seattle is sunny and pleasant, a lovely day to go sightseeing. Jean took us to Highland Park with a spectacular view of Seattle and the Space Needle. We walked around Olympic Sculpture Park and went to Pike Place Market, walked through the streets and then to the Space Needle.

      Thank you for your kind words! Have a wonderful day!

      ❤ carmen


  4. Joni James says:

    Hi Carmen! Wish I was sitting out in the sunshine visiting with you again!
    I’m definitely ready for fall though. I love boots and sweaters……

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Hello my beautiful friend Joni! What a lovely afternoon it was and I’m happy we could enjoy it sitting in the sunshine outside Sugar Plum Bakery! It will be a special memory of Seattle to have met you in person! I was so excited to see you!

      Thanks again for coming to Jean’s store and I’m glad you liked your purchases. You are a very fashionable lady and look so beautiful: tall, elegant and classy. I miss your blog, but glad you have Instagram.

      ❤ carmen


  5. utesmile says:

    I find that too, always beautiful backgrounds for a beautiful lady! I miss summer too, but we are lucky we still have about 21 degrees here for this week so still summer dresses. Autumn is a nice season too and I am sure you find again beautiful settings for your pictures. Love Ute

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much Ute! Photography is a fun hobby and looking for interesting places to take pictures is part of the fun.

      I actually like autumn, it’s winter that I could do without. The sad part of fall is that it reminds me that winter is coming soon. Every year I hate winter even more. I don’t use “hate” often or lightly, but seriously, it gives me shivers to think about it. 😦

      Let’s enjoy autumn and be thankful for the harvest season.

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

      • utesmile says:

        I do feel with you, I don’t like winter either specially the wet one in England. It is nice if you are in Switzerland skiing and have real good snow and no work. Having said that, I sort of look forward to a bit colder weather as I have a new cardigan (a Christmas present from my sister) a woven cardigan from Paraguay. It is immensely warm and just so lovely! I bought it in Summer when I was at my sisters at a ‘Gartenwirtschaft’- as the owners husband is from there and sells amazing stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. robjodiefilogomo says:

    I think it’s very realistic to work my way into fall with my clothing. I love pairing a little summer with autumn in many details!!
    The key hole on your shirt is so nice—that’s a good reason to wear you hair up!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      I agree Jodie, it depends on the day. The weather changes: one day hot enough to go swimming and another day I need to wear a jacket. Today was another sunny day in Seattle.

      Happy Autumn!

      ❤ carmen


  7. stacilys says:

    Lovely Carmen. You’re as cute as a button.
    So sorry that summer is on its way out for you. We are heading into Spring here. Although it definitely feels like summer. But then again, we don’t really get a real winter where I live. But like you, I am a summer-loving girl and am happy that Spring has sprung.
    Have a wonderful day.
    🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What beautiful backgrounds you always find! That seafaring pic is heavenly.

    Liked by 2 people

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