Fashion with Compassion

SusanOne of my favourite bloggers is Susan from A little Sage. Her blog is a delicious resource of nutritious recipes as well as a wealth of information about healthy living. Her photos look like a professional cookbook.

Susan has a great sense of humour and she is beautiful with a heart of gold.

Susan and her husband Pete are living proof of what a plant-based lifestyle can do for you. They have an incredible success story to share. You will find her about page entertaining and inspirational.

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Susan on her blog. read more❤ carmen



About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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6 Responses to Fashion with Compassion

  1. Susan says:

    Thanks for sharing, my friend!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gemma says:

    I will be checking out Susans blog for sure as I’m trying to move to a plant based diet myself! Gemma x

    Liked by 2 people

  3. josep-maria says:

    Hello dear Carmen! I realize you’ve changed the title of your blog, it seems perfect, and is more suited to its content, which surpasses widely to other fashion blogs. I always say, your blog is special, at least for me, and I think for many people.
    Susan looks like a very interesting person, and his blog, too. She is very smart to interview you, why you are a reference for many women … and men, of course. You’re a beautiful, healthy, intelligent and cultured woman; away, and a lot of self-centeredness that surrounds many bloggers.
    Your blog is an example of life, and you’re the queen, my queen …

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much my dear Josep-Maria! I do appreciate your kind words! I have always believed that our health is more important than the clothes we wear and that animals should not suffer and be used and abused for food, fashion, animal testing, sports (horse races and bull fights etc) and entertainment (zoos and circuses).

      Did you notice that “Fashion with Compassion” was the tagline on the right corner of my blog? it has always been there but it is so small and not very noticeable. I could not make the tagline bigger so I decided to reverse it. Now “Fashionable over 50” is the tagline on the right side but you can see how small it is.

      I’m glad you agree and that you like the title!
      Fashion with compassion!

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

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