Platinum Velvet and Basic Black

Something old and something new–not just for brides; that describes my wardrobe. I have clothes that have been with me for many years, like this shiny velvet skirt I wore today and have worn for dancing many times, including an interpretive dance I performed recently.

platimum velvet skirt

Happy memories are woven through the fibres.

black top and velvet skirt

 It is a unique shade I call platinum gray, it shimmers and has sequins sewn around the waistband.

brass sequins

My black top is new, a very basic top that I’ll be able to wear with many skirts, comfortable cotton and perfect for dance.

velvet skirt

Top: Speidel (from Germany)
Skirt: Smart Set
Booties: thrifted

DSC05037stay close


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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18 Responses to Platinum Velvet and Basic Black

  1. I absolutely love that skirt! I see why it’s a keeper.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Olga says:

    Oh, it is nice to have clothes in one’s wardrobe that bring many memories! I too keep a couple of such pieces. The skirt is fabulous and you look simply gorgeous in black!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much dear Olga! I’m glad we know the sentimental feelings that clothes can bring back–memories of events because tangible things remind us of happy times!

      Happy 2016!

      ❤ carmen


  3. That skirt is lovely. I can see why the whole outfit would be idea for dancing.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bob says:

    Let’s wear out your dance clothes either at dance class or , as the song goes “dance, dance wherever you may be”….you are always elegant and fashionable in your blog, on the dance floor, just everywhere…..your dance classes have shared your love of dance with ever so many people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you very much Bob! I always enjoy your opinions.
      It seems like most of my friends are dancers, we do move in dance circles! 😉

      Wishing you a joyful year with lots of dancing!

      ❤ carmen


  5. Ralph says:

    I am usually not a fan of women wearing black, but in this case you may change my mind Carmen as you wear black well. Happy Sunday my friend 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Happy first Sunday of 2016 my dear friend! Thank you for your kind comments and continued encouragement. I’m happy that I might be able to change your mind about black. For me, it’s important to add accessories and a smile or it can be a very tough look and I am into feminine, soft looks. In this outfit I have added the softness of velvet and the sparkle of sequins, plus a long necklace which gives a feeling of elegance.

      I seldom wear all black, unless it’s lace and ruffles, and details that show the delicate and elegant side of black. I like to show that black needn’t be gloomy or mournful. Does that make sense?

      My favourite look is still white because it feels so angelic and pure. 😉

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Maggie says:

    A very lovely skirt , and a black color top always goes with everything’s , I much have more than 20 black tops , thanks for sharing your ideas of fashion !

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you my dear Maggie! You make black look great and you always pair it with style! Your accessories and jewellery compliment the look. I learn a lot from YOU!!!

      Happy New Year!!

      ❤ carmen


  7. utesmile says:

    It’s good to have “memory ” clothes…. Lovely skirt and I do love the boots, super! Have a wonderful 2016 Carmen!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Maryanne says:

    I agree, I LOVE the old clothes just as much as the new. I have favorites that you just know look amazing. Even when I buy a bunch of new clothes, there’s always that one piece you gravitate to and wear more often than others. Also, I’m sure you know, old clothes are healthier because the dye doesn’t get into your skin (which is why I try, as much as possible, to shop vintage in consignment shops).

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      So true Maryanne, shopping vintage is very in style and I’m happy I have old clothes that are now vintage clothes. 🙂 Thank you for bringing up the health issue.

      I try to buy ethical clothing (because I care about people and working conditions for employees) and eco friendly clothes (because the chemicals and dyes used for textiles can damage our environment and is a concern for our health.

      Having said that, the fur and leather industries are far worse than people know about. It goes beyond cruelty to animals, but is also bad for our environment. The tanning process leaves highly polluted waste water. Therefore, it is not eco friendly whatsoever.

      Here is an excerpt …

      “Leather is tanned with an acidic chemical compound that preserves it. Leather is soaked in biocides and fungicides to prevent mold, and it’s treated with nasty concoctions like sodium sulfide to remove the hair. Even chemicals like arsenic and formaldehyde are used.

      In places where leather production is prevalent (such as India and China), water and air pollution is high. Workers (and nearby residents) also face high instances of cancer from all the chemicals.”

      Fashion with compassion is for people, animals and our wonderful world.

      Thank you so much for stopping by!
      Happy, healthy New Year!

      ❤ carmen

      What’s wrong with leather?


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