International Women’s Day

You are so beautiful!

Here are a few of the women I admire and who inspire me!

Dedicated to the remarkable women all over the world! God bless you all!

❤ carmen


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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36 Responses to International Women’s Day

  1. Bob says:

    How gratifying that you have received so many appreciative remarks from this tribute honouring remarkable women all over the world. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Inese Poga Art Gallery says:

    Thanks Carmen! I didn’t even know that picture of me was available on the internet! You’ve made a superb choice, I think you have natural feeling of style and taste, so you have chosen a picture which is very interesting reflection of what I do and who I am: Latvians celebrate Midsummer on June 23. Every woman and girl is wearing a flower wreath on that day and all night because this is celebrated until the next morning when the sun comes up. I appreciate you devoted so much effort to compile this post and published all these pictures of so many amazing women! You are a great inspiration for me, as well, and I always love and enjoy your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. says:

    Holy wow, Carmen! What a beautiful way to start the day, waking up to this honor! Thank you so much for including me, and I truly respect you and your work too. Doing the Happy Dance this morning! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Emy Will says:

    What a wonderful surprise Carmen and I feel privileged to be included in this gallery! It came just at the right time for me, as I was going through a “what’s the point” phase. There are so many inspiring people out there – YOU included. It is great to feel part of a community So kudos to you for this fantastic and uplifting project.
    Warm wishes and hugs ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Elsie Davies says:

    Wow Carmen, thank you so so much for the inclusion. I feel very blessed and honored to be among these gorgeous and fabulous ladies, most of whom inspire me too. Have blessed week. xo

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Carmen! What an honor to be part of such a beautiful group! Here’s to all the women in our lives! Where would we be without them??? You are an inspiration!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Rebecca says:

    OMG Carmen I am way beyond honored to be included in this amazing lineup – coming from someone so beautiful inside and out! May your light continue to burn & keep all of us inspired!


    Liked by 2 people

  8. Carmen!! What a delightfully unexpected surprise to jump onto wordpress and see my photo on your blog post! And what a beautiful way to honour the women who have inspired you. So kind … thank you my friend. If I had thought of this first, you would most definitely be on my page!!
    Blessings …

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Jan Graham-McMillen says:

    Oh, thank you Carmen! Back at you … you are one of the women I most admire for walking her talk, and being just naturally lovely. I’m thrilled, and you made a big difference in my week.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Joni James says:

    Oh wow Carmen! This is so cool, thank you for including me. It just looks great viewing all these happy faces all together and to think of it as this amazing supportive community we have all built for each other and with each other. It really is an amazing thing and about so much more than clothes.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. That is wonderful, honoring women who inspire you, Love it!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Thank you so much for including me Carmen!! This means a lot to me!! Truly humbling to be sharing a small corner with all these gorgeous women!!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Dawn Lucy says:

    Awww, love this and thanks so much for including me! What a fab group of blogging buddies we have in each other! Happy Women’s Day!
    Dawn Lucy

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Patti says:

    Ah, thank you so much for including me! This is a lovely group and I’m honored to be among them. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Jess says:

    Thank you Carmen! So nice of you to think of me in this way. Glad to be amongst other lovely and inspiring women,you are one of them!!
    xo jess

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Aww, thank you so much, Carmen! I hope you had an amazing Woman’s Day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      You are most welcome dear Ana! I had fun putting the collage together and now I will finish adding the links. Yours is done!

      We have a sunny day, but now we need some warm temperatures to melt the mountains of snow!

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Dana says:

    This is SO nice of you dear Carmen! ❤ ❤ ❤
    Thank you very much, I´m very touched that I´m one of all these gorgeous women! And also had to say that YOU are inspiring me.. admire you too! 🙂
    You will be a part of my WABISABI – The Real Beauty Project – 5 this week. Stop by in a few hours! 🙂

    have a wonderful and sunny week dear friend
    Dana 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      You are very welcome dear Dana, I’m glad you liked my post.
      Thank you, I will stop by to see you and your Wabisabi project!

      We have a sunny day today, but still too much snow. 😦

      ❤ carmen


      • Dana says:

        Like your post? I LOVE it!! I’ll include the link additional in the current Wabisabi blog post.
        Thank you very very much, I’m still very touched that you chose me.
        We have a sunny day like the days before. Thank God we had no snow for weeks here. Hope it will get better and warmer at your place soon ❤

        have a good time dear friend
        Dana 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  18. dan says:

    As you know, I always love your blog, and this is is a delightful post, Carmen!! I feel very glad to be in your selection!!
    100 hugs…

    Liked by 1 person

  19. utesmile says:

    What a lovely idea for a Women’s day Post! Thank you my dear Carmen! ♥

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Maccabros says:

    to be honest – I don’t like these international days of this and that – every day we have a day for something other – but we should have a thought every day for someone and, naturally, for the women in our life’s, cause without them, we are NOTHING…

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Maccabros! How kind that you say “without them (women) we are NOTHING” – I like Women’s Day because Mother’s Day is for mothers and not every woman is a mother, so it’s lovely to honour all women. However, I certainly agree with you, that it should not be just one day to remember women or special days for other things. Having said that, my friend … is there an International Poet Day? 🙂

      Viele liebe Grüße!!

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Awww…this is so sweet!

    The feeling is mutual. Big hug!


    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Suzanne! It’s a real joy to share a common interest: meeting some wonderful people in this huge world and encouraging one another. I appreciate your comments and hope that I can be a blessing to you and others as well. Blogging is time consuming, however, a very positive experience!

      Days are getting longer and soon we’ll be out of this deep freeze! YAY!!
      A BIG hug right backatcha!

      ❤ carmen


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