
My last trip to Germany was in 1994. It was twenty years since I had seen my dear cousin Marion, so you can imagine how elated I was when I heard the news that she was coming for a visit in October with her daughter! Her first holiday in Canada was in 1965 and this was now her second time. We enjoyed some wonderful day trips around Southern Ontario together, but there never seems to be enough time to do all the things that we want to do.


Saying Aufwiedersehen was very emotional and I miss her already! I plan to go to Germany next year. Marion and I will go to several wondrous Christmas Markets around Stuttgart.

I miss you Marion and Lara!

♥ carmen



About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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9 Responses to Aufwiedersehen

  1. Jan Graham-McMillen says:

    How nice to have family to visit abroad! So sorry this visit had to end sooner than you would have liked, but you look like you had a wonderful time! You are all lovely … looks run in your family, for sure!
    Happy Holidays, Carmen!


  2. Bob says:

    Marion’s first holiday to Canada was the same year I graduated.


  3. Shybiker says:

    What a wonderful post. I’m glad you got to see her. By coincidence, my father grew up in Stuttgart and still has a sister there.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jess says:

    This looks like a wonderful time. I would like to go to England, but I do not have any relatives there now. It must have been great to visit. hmmmm maybe you went a bit overboard with your shopping i the one picture haha! YOu look lovely in the white furry coat and it looks so cozy!
    Have a great weekend,
    please stop by, jess xx


    Liked by 1 person

  5. j-m says:

    It is wonderful to recover loved ones, and it is wonderful to share with them your life and beauty of your beautiful country. All post you’ve dedicated your cousin and her daughter show us how much you love them. I congratulate you for being able to enjoy this wonderful reunion. Éllas sure you have also been very happy at your side, you’re the best host and best cousin. The photo with luggage shows the amplitude of your closet, right? Seeing the beauty of your outfits are understood to need much space. LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. utesmile says:

    Wow that is a lot of luggage… I did realize it is not yours…. hehe. Wonderful skirt she found for you! Well and on another note… If you really intend to come to Germany next year to “around Stuttgart… I might be there too… and we could even meet! I am flying to Stuttgart on Sunday before Christmas this year and I will go tot the Christmas market in Reutlingen with her. I shall take some pictures.
    I can imagine you miss them, but isn’t it wonderful you could spend great moments with them! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

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