Niagara Falls – a natural wonder of the world

Living so close to the Falls, I have taken it for granted; people come from all over the world to see this spectacular wonder. I only go when we have company from another country, but my cousin gave me a new appreciation for these awesome waterfalls. She said she would go every month. She loved them so much that we went twice during her visit in October.

seagull Marion and me Lara and me

 On the way we saw a moose and stopped for a photo shoot.


mooseWe enjoyed Niagara-on-the-Lake … again.

Lavender ♥

Neob Lavender Boutiqueand romance

The Romance Collection Gallery

A lookout point to admire the Niagara River.

Niagara River

For many years, Niagara Parks hosts Canada’s longest running fireworks. For the first time in my life I saw the fireworks which happens every Friday, Sunday and holidays from the beginning of May to end of November. Imagine, I have never been! It was breath-taking to watch the fantastic fireworks with such a magnificent backdrop!

And of course we enjoyed the gift shop.

I love teddy bearsmaple leaf boots

I’m sure glad my cousin came to visit with her daughter, so that I got to see Niagara Falls with new wonder and awe. I’m thankful to live so close and I’ll be going more often. A marvelous day trip.

Have you ever been to Niagara Falls?

♥ carmen


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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18 Responses to Niagara Falls – a natural wonder of the world

  1. I’ve noticed, whenever you have access to something, your interest usually diminishes. It is quite an interesting observation. The photos truly depict the beauty of this place. My wife has gone a few times, but I have not experienced it yet. I hope your entrance into the new year has been a blessed one. I truly hope the family has been embraced by 2015 with open arms, looking ahead to a similar journey through the rest of the year.


    • carmen says:

      How true, perhaps when something is so close, we take it for granted. I have seen things in places where the locals have never gone! I hope you get to see Niagara Falls someday, it is quite spectacular!

      Blessings for 2015!

      ❤ carmen


  2. davisbe says:

    Great post. I was at Niagara as a kid taken by my awesome loving parents. What an amazing place. And then. Many years later. How many litres have flown since. Lots a lot of water in an amazing display, something that really needs to be conserved.

    Looks like you’re having a great time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much Brian, glad you liked it and that it brought back happy memories of your visit!

      This is incredible …

      “3,160 tons of water flows over Niagara Falls every second. This accounts for 75,750 gallons of water per second over the American and Bridal Veil Falls and 681,750 gallons per second over the Horseshoe Falls.”

      So to answer your question, the amount since you were here is unfathomable!

      Have a great week!

      ❤ carmen


  3. Great photos. I do love the falls and like you often go when we have friends visiting. We’ve never seen the fireworks at night though…something I need to make sure to see next time.


    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      I’m sure you’ll love it, but you have to stay till 10 PM, even in the autumn when it gets dark earlier, they still don’t start them till 10. It was worth the wait.

      ❤ carmen


  4. Ralph says:

    Hello Carmen 😀 One place in the world which I would love to visit. Thanks for showing the falls. I have noticed you are into BIG at the moment. Falls, Moose, Fireworks and Wine Barrel. I wonder what’s next ? 😉 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The falls are amazing

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bob says:

    Yes, we have been to Niagara Falls a number of times. We have had a helicopter ride over them ….out of Niagara – on – the – Lake (cheaper). For a few seconds , we were in USA air space!
    It is special to stay overnight with a view of the Falls.
    A ride on the Maid of the Mist was thrilling. (I’m not sure that The Maid of the Mist still operates.)
    About your blog….the photography is great…..I particularly like the photo of the Sea Gull.
    I enjoy fireworks displays as most people do but I do have a problem with the added environmental pollution and the loss of lives and injuries sustained when there is an explosion in a fireworks factory.
    We have been blessed with moose sightings in the wild …not only in Jasper but also in Ontario while canoeing.
    I must ask….was that a fake bear wearing fake fur?? !!
    Yes, a marvelous day trip ….to stay overnight is awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Hi Bob! The Maid of the Mist is still doing tours.

      I thought the seagull was very sweet sitting there and letting me take a dozen photos of her. I think she wanted to pose for my blog! Now she is world famous 😉

      The bear is fake and so is his fur! I have yet to see a real moose, that would be awesome!!

      ❤ carmen


  7. utesmile says:

    I’d love to go there it is beautiful. And I like to go to those shops too! One day I will visit and this place has to in it. Carmen you show us such wonderful places. Thank you so much !
    Much love Ute ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for the enjoyable interlude at Niagara, I have never been there so it was quite a nice trip..

    Liked by 2 people

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