Orange Appeal

Orange is a beautiful autumnal colour, and pumpkins adorn every front porch in our neighbourhood. I’ve never been a fan of orange, but since I bought my first orange cotton-knit, high low top in spring, it’s growing on me! Orange, tangerine, peach, apricot–delicious flavours, yummy–plus: coral, salmon and burnt orange–a variety of fabulous colours, and I don’t know why it took me so long to add these warm shades to my wardrobe.

While in Costa Rica in April, I received this beautiful orange crocheted top as a gift. I bought orange nail polish for my fingernails and toes!

orange crochet 2During the summer, I wore my peachy tank top. Whether I wear tanks or tees, they have to be feminine and have details that make them special.

We’ve had some warm, summer-like days and I wore this Navajo-inspired outfit this fall a couple of weeks ago, The skirt has panels of coral, turquoise, denim and sandy beige with colourful matching beads sewn around the hem. The top also has the same tiny beads sewn around the neckline.

I bought an orange cardigan recently and a bright tangerine jacket for fall.


Orange goes so well with brown, beige, black and white.pumpkin


                              Do you wear orange?

vegan witches

❤ carmen

I’ve linked up with Patti at not dead yet style, check out what fashionable women are wearing!

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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23 Responses to Orange Appeal

  1. jacqui says:

    You’re looking great in Orange, I especially like your orange jacket. Jacqui

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love orange! I remember that you never used to like it but I’m glad you’re open-minded and willing to try new things. The color suits you! It’s such a warm hue and compliments your skintone perfectly!


    • carmen says:

      Thank you Jean! I should have mentioned that you influenced me – you have always worn orange (and every colour). You’re a woman of many colours! I’m finally learning not to be stuck in rut concerning colours. Being open-minded and trying new things keeps us young.

      There’s a good reason orange is in the rainbow – Orange is beautiful! ♥


  3. dan says:

    I have never been a fan of orange until now either, but I have to say that it is so nice on you! and your tangerine jacket is great!!


  4. renaesimpler says:

    You know I used to like crazy. I know I would love a coat/jacket like yours tho. I seriously don’t have one speck of orange in my closet. I have a necklace that has orange and turquoise on it and that is it. When in high school and college almost ALL of my closet was orange. Weird how that happens.


  5. We love orange! Although we don’t have much clothes in this colour!
    You look fabulous in the first pictures!!

    Alicia & Sofía


  6. Lovely on you … I’m attracted to the sherbet-y, creamy shades, and corals. But you look lovely in whatever you decide to wear. Enjoy your fall and your fall colors!


    • carmen says:

      Thank you Jan! Definitely lovely shades–sherbet-y, creamy shades, and corals! Colours add fun to fashion. It would be a dull world without colour, if everything was just black and white, like television used to be! 😦

      ♥ carmen


  7. Carmen, orange is wonderful on you and I love these looks. It’s great to keep experimenting with color, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!


    • carmen says:

      Thank you Patti! Yes, I’ve been adding more colour to my neutral-based wardrobe: a splash of colour here and a pop of colour there.

      I’m so glad to be part of Visible Monday and enjoy all the lovely ladies! You are amazing!!! 🙂

      ♥ carmen


  8. Bob says:

    Discovering orange now is an illustration that life is a continuum… matter that I am older, I am still experiencing “another first time activity or whatever in my life”….keeps the joy in being alive!


    • carmen says:

      So true Bob! Life is a living experience and it’s fun to endeavor in new activities, new interests, new challenges, new experiences, make new friends, try new foods, learn a new dance … the list goes on … keep things fresh, moving, alive!!

      Pura vida!! Life is good!!
      ♥ carmen


  9. Yes, yes, yes I wear orange!! It’s one of my favorite colors to add a pop of color to my wardrobe. I love that peachy tank top you wore in the summer – it’s lovely!! Celeste 🙂


  10. Suzanne says:

    I used to think I could never wear orange. Now I kind of love it.

    That coat is fantastic. Same with the hat.

    Loved the comic! LOL



    • carmen says:

      Thanks Suzanne! Not sure why I avoided orange but sure lovin’ it now. I’m sure orange suits you!!

      The jacket is waterproof so I wore it today and it brightened up a wet, dreary day.

      The hat is from the 60s. I keep everything. I need to find an old photo of me wearing it, there’s one in a box somewhere in this house. That would be funny 😉

      ♥ carmen


  11. josepmbadia says:

    Queen of the pirates and now, too, of the pumpkin. 🙂 The orange color, or pumpkin, it looks lovely, is great with your hair and skin. It is an elegant color and, at the same time, fun and casual. All your suggestions are pretty. I love your blouse and your jacket is gorgeous.


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