Freedom Tower NYC

My first trip to New York City was in 2005. My youngest son had been asking to go ever since 9-11. As we stood by Ground Zero, the tragedy of this inconceivable atrocity overwhelmed me and tears flowed. Looking at the steel cross that was left behind in this monstrous rubble was surreal. my second trip to New York City this summer, more than a decade since 9-11, the new One World Trade Center  (1 WTC) towers majestically over lower Manhattan and is the tallest building in the U.S.A.

1 WTCAs I walked through the streets of NYC feeling very small, indeed, surrounded by a myriad of magnificent skyscrapers, I noticed the contrast of the marvelous old buildings and the spectacular architecture of the modern ones; a blend of the past and the future.

Hope you enjoy this collage I have put together for you of buildings in NYC. Click a photo to enlarge and scroll through.

We all want freedom.

I don’t think there’s a person on the planet who doesn’t want FREEDOM. Every creature of any size wants FREEDOM. Not humans nor animals want to be confined or controlled; it is an inborn desire to live free.

We all value freedom.

In the immortal words of Tiny Tim,  GOD BLESS US, EVERYONE!

Peace on earth!


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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14 Responses to Freedom Tower NYC

  1. jesse.anne.o says:

    You guys covered a lot of ground. I actually work just 2 blocks from that Macys.


    • carmen says:

      We sure did and most was on foot, but it’s the best way to see everything. You don’t get to see much underground and in a taxi, you wiz by everything. However, next time I’d like to take a day to go on the hop on and off bus.

      Wow! Didn’t realize we were so close to where you work.

      I ❤ NY


  2. Bob says:

    I enjoyed his blog……it is amazing that many cities have their ethnic centres…e.g. Little Italy as evidenced in your picture.


  3. josepmbadia says:

    Beautiful reportage, Carmen. It’s amazing, this set of skyscrapers. I pointed to your speech about freedom. The most beautiful picture is the last 🙂


    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Josep-Maria! I hope to visit Spain someday. I have family in Spain and Germany. Jean and I hope to go to Germany, possibly next summer. I have not been back since 1994.

      Paz y besos!
      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  4. nofearoffashion says:

    Amen. So very true. Love the photos. And your walking outfit. It is always hard to come up with a walking outfit and still look stylish, but you did it.
    I love New York. And my own Amsterdam. And Paris. And Rome… Oh dear…


    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Greetje! The tunic is rather unique, being black, it’s hard to see the detail of the whimsical style. It was a gift from my cousin in Germany. The red belt is from the 50s and belonged to my mom. The red sandals (I love red shoes!) are made in Italy and are soooo comfortable! I could walk all day!

      I had the pleasure of going to Amsterdam–fabulous city!– loved all the canals and flowers!! Paris and Rome are still on my bucket list, but I have been to Edinburgh, London and Stuttgart (as well as many cities and little towns in Germany). Each city has its own charm and character.

      The world is a beautiful place!
      ❤ carmen


  5. Great post! I enjoyed the collage of buildings. They all vary in size, shape, and design, but I got the sense of the scale of them. To walk the streets of New York and look up is to feel small indeed!


  6. Suzanne says:

    Great photos and I love your walking about outfit.

    Truer words couldn’t be spoken.



    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Suzanne!

      Five top things that I value in life are: health, peace, love, compassion and freedom. (Not counting family, friends or animals because they are not “things” 🙂 )

      ❤ carmen


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