I Love Lucy

Jamestown, New York is the hometown of my favourite Lady of Comedy–Lucille Ball. I grew up watching I LOVE LUCY (yes, I know that dates me, but if you read my about page, you already know how old I am). I have the complete DVD series of I LOVE LUCY and have watched every episode. Obsessed? Perhaps, but laughter is good medicine and no matter how often I watch, Lucy makes me smile! I’ve seen many of her movies, too.

Forever DarlingI’ve been to Jamestown several times over the years (about a three hour drive from home) but my favourite was the 100th anniversary of her birthday, August 6, 2011. Usually, Jamestown is a quiet little place, almost a ghost-town. But for this celebration, it was filled with Lucy fans, including over 900 Lucy-lookalikes! It actually made the World Record.

Here’s me in my Lucy dress, I look so much like her–don’t you think?

carmen as LucyLucy (left) and me with my new I love Lucy purse.

a Lucy lookalikeMy daughter Jean blogged about the Lucy Fest and wrote a lovely tribute to a remarkable woman. Here’s the crowd waiting for the parade, Lucy and Desi will arrive in a helicopter!

paradeOf course, it wouldn’t be a town without a mall–I bought this two-piece top at J.C.Penny.

Jamestown 1 Jamestown 2

The house Lucille Ball was born in on Stewart Ave.

The house she lived in when she was young had a garage sale during the event with lots of Lucy memorabilia. The street is now called Lucy Lane.

garage sale

I bought my Lucy T-shirt the first time I visited Jamestown. I have two Lucy dolls and a small Lucy collection.

garage sale 4 garage sale 3










It felt strange sitting on the porch steps where little Lucy once sat and played on the porch.

Lucy's porch 1 Lucy's porch 2

gravestonePeople gathered at the cemetery to pay respect to a woman who was more than a great entertainer. Complete strangers became instant friends and shared the laughter that Lucy brought to our lives!


We love Lucy!

August 6, 1911 – April 26, 1989

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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7 Responses to I Love Lucy

  1. Pingback: Rainy days and Mondays | fashionable over 50

  2. Sheila says:

    Hi Carmen,
    We do a weekly feature on FabulousAfter40.com called What I Wore. Over the next few weeks, we are doing a Blogger Style roundup of some of our favorite 40+ bloggers. We would love to include the picture of you from this post where you are standing in front of the door. If you are agreeable, you can email me back at sheila@fabulousafter40.com. We’ll include a link to your site and a description of your overall style (please include that in your email). Thanks, Carmen!
    To take a look at least week’s feature, click here:
    Sheila Hill
    Social Media Manager, Fabulous After 40


  3. Bob says:

    I, too, enjoyed “Lucy”….I’m more dated than you are..ha ha


  4. josep-maria says:

    Wow, you and me, we have an age! I also saw Lucy when I was young. This post is very funny, with your dress and your bag Lucy fan. New parts you bought are very nice, I love the blouse. I also really like your shirt with the heart, and your tunic polka dots. Does it feel to sit on the steps of the house of Lucy? As always, you look beautiful in this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Josep-Maria! I’m glad you liked my post about Lucy! It really was a funny feeling to sit on those steps and think about her having lived there. The owners of the house don’t live in it, they have made it a museum.

      I will visit your blog tonight, on my way out to dance classes now.

      Pura vida, mi amigo!!

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

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