Tartan Daft

It felt like a Scottish winter’s day, so I wore my tartan poncho which I bought in 1994 in Scotland (in Jenners, the oldest department store in Scotland). We lived there in 1993-1994. You might say I was tartan-daft because I went a little crazy buying everything in tartan; bed sheets, tartan lamp shades, tartan table cloth, tartan Doc Martens, tartan purse and tartan tights!

tartan poncho

My poncho is almost 20 years old but I love it just as much as the day I bought it. I only wear it two or three times a year so it still looks like the day I bought it. Tartan is timeless and I bought these tartan Ralph Lauren rain boots online in November while in Seattle, but they didn’t arrive till after I left, so my daughter, Jean, sent them recently and this is my first time wearing them today.

Okay, so it's a little too much tartan, but I wear what I like!

Okay, so it’s a little too much tartan, but I wear what I like!

She let me wear hers while I was in Seattle and I’m so glad to have my own pair now!


Thanks so much for the package and for sending all the vegan info, recipes and book, Jean!


I’m happy to Share-in-Style with other ladies who wear tartan and plaid.

tartan heart

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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11 Responses to Tartan Daft

  1. ivana split says:

    20 years and that poncho looks brand new…you must have taken a really good care of it…I just love vintage pieces…wonderful outfit! you look stunning!

    I really like the tartan rain boots!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. gpicone says:

    You look great! 🙂


  3. gracefully50 says:

    You made a Scottish statement! Terrific! I think tartan will never go out of style…just too classic!
    Love the rain boots! I need a pair!


    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Jeannie!

      I’m checking through my notifications and see I have several comments from readers that I have not replied to and I so much appreciate your comments! Don’t know how you do it–you are very good at replying to everyone who comments on your blog even though you have so many to respond to! 🙂

      Love and blessings!
      ❤ carmen


  4. josepmbadia says:

    Hi Carmen, that poncho prettier! And the boots are cute. You look good with this outfit. At first glance it seems excessive, but soon you realize it’s beautiful. You always have success.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Josep-Maria! The poncho makes me feel Scottish! I love Scotland with it’s charming county-side cottages on rolling hills and majestic castles that look like you are in a fairytale!

      Have a wonderful semana!
      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks, Celeste! It always brings back memories of Scotland when I wear it. Edinburgh is a historical city; a blend of medieval and modern. One side of Princes Street has shops with the latest fashions and on the other you can see the ancient Edinburgh Castle.
      Have a great week!
      ❤ carmen


  5. Closet Strategy says:

    Beautiful! I want one!


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