
I love technology! It never ceases to amaze me what people discover and invent. As a child, I still remember being intrigued with television and being in wonder of how sound and pictures came from “the box.” I was in awe of the telephone, speaking to my grandparents at Christmas time, who were in Germany! Even at eight years old, I remember being very aware that Europe was far away across the Atlantic ocean. How it was possible to hear their voices puzzled me!

We have Alexander Graham Bell to thank for the telephone and the list of people who have made travel and communication a “miracle” is a long one. Bill Gates, a name we immediately associate with Microsoft, is on that list. While in Seattle, I had the opportunity to visit Microsoft in Bellevue.


I’m like a child in Disneyland–totally wide-eyed, meandering around in wonder!!!

Microsoft 1 DSC08839

The new Surface made its debut.


We tip-toed by while a live broadcast was in progress.


The gift shop had just the thing to buy for a geek.


There’s always lots going on but with the arrival of the new Surface–it was a thrill to be there!

Have you tried the new Surface?

❤ carmen

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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5 Responses to Microsoft

  1. Ileana Trofin says:

    Do you know that my son lives in Seattle and works at Microsoft? Surface is great, I like it very much!


  2. I’m absolutely LOVING those pants!
    And really want Santa to bring me a Surface for Christmas. 🙂


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