
Pussy-bow (necktie) gets its name from a cat’s bow tie, it’s a classic style with a vintage vibe. The pussy-bow is a feminine version of a man’s tie. (Although, there was a time when men also wore them back in the 17th and 18th centuries.)

Very popular in the 50s and 60s, I remember my mom wearing blouses with a pussy-bow and she always looked so chic.

Even though I don’t own a blouse like hers, I like silky summer scarves that I can tie in a big bow to resemble this pretty look. I’m definitely on the lookout for a blouse with a pussy-bow, something I think every fashionista needs, right?

🐞 Sheer scarf with ladybugs 🐞

Do you have a pussy-bow blouse or have you tried wearing a scarf tied in a bow?

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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20 Responses to Pussy-Bow

  1. I will like this style also

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Looks cool and nice where you are, and it fits you well.
    We are up to 40 Celsius in Ontario, dressing down as much as possible, wearing hardly anything right now.
    Summer is a great time to show off your style. I personally have been at home only for almost 2 years now, so there’s no need for anything.
    Hopefully, in the fall we will have some opportunity to get out or travel somewhere.
    Have a nice summer!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you for your kind words! That was a pleasant evening, which we’ve had a few times but it’s also been sweltering hot. I live in Ontario too! Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future’s not ours to see. I try to make the best of each day and be thankful for good health!

      Happy summer!

      In the famous words of Charlie Brown and Snoopy … 🙂


  3. Hi Carmen ! The pussy bow is a real classic for sure! I really like how you styled your sheer ladybug scarf into one. I am sure your Mom looked lovely in her blouses . It would be nice to find a blouse with one , I wonder if there would be one on Etsy? I should try styling a scarf into a bow like you! Great photos and a really nice backdrop, have a nice weekend, Terri xo.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you for taking time to comment during your busy days of moving Terri! I will keep a lookout for a pussy-bow blouse. My mom was a wonderful example of style and grace! Enjoy your new home! 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

      • A lot of women today can take advantage of style and grace if they just embrace it Carmen !! Thank you so much, As well as moving i need to keep up with my sweet blogging friends (looking at you !!) Have a great day, Terri xo.


        • carmen says:

          Aww so sweet of you to say! You are a dear blogging friend, always so encouraging! It’s wonderful when we can build each other up instead of tearing others down. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. utesmile says:

    I remember my mum having blouses like that too. I do have sheer scarves, I can do that with. Great idea for dfferent scarf wearing. Thank you. Enjoy your Summer day, Carmen xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jodie says:

    I only have a couple of these, but I love them.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. purpleslob says:

    No, but I used to!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. moragnoffke says:

    I love the white with touches of red in the bow and your shoes. I use to wear pussy-bows in my 20s… Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

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