Winter Vacation in Seattle

The grass is always greener in Seattle: flowers are blooming, trees already have buds and the air is balmy!

It may not be bikini weather, but it feels like springtime! Most days have been sunny with blue skies, a few drizzly days but no snow, slush or ice. Back home in Ontario, family and friends have been reporting dreadful weather with temperatures below average, even -50 with the windchill factor. Glad we escaped!

This week (outside the Crossroads Mall in Bellevue, Washington) was so mild that I took off my coat even though I was wearing a lace top.

Lace top: clothing exchange (from Jean)
Skirt: made in Canada
Tights: Bamboo from Drizzle & Shine
Shoes: faux suede

My flared skirt has a mini houndstooth print with lacy roses.

The outdoor patio has a beautiful mural with a real fountain that made me feel like I was in Italy in the countryside.

Jean made this asymmetrical necklace and gave it to me.

Flowers growing by the patio.

Even stores are already selling flowers outside!

What a delight it was to find a little painted rock by a flowerbed outside the mall with an encouraging message! It made my day! On the back it says to keep or re-hide. I decided to keep it as a little memory of Seattle, but plan to paint some rocks with my granddaughter when I return home to Canada. It’s such a great idea!

Have you ever found treasure rocks or have you painted some rocks to hide for others to find?

Have a fabulous February!

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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21 Responses to Winter Vacation in Seattle

  1. josep-maria says:

    I love your look! I love this wonderful skirt and also the lace top, everything is beautiful. A wonderful combination

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is amazing the weather difference , isn’t it Carmen? Spring is starting already while winter is still here for a few months! I love the unique flared floral skirt, so ladylike and goes great with tights and that lace top. Nice necklace to go with the top. Such pretty flowers on sale . I have painted rocks before but I do not know where I have them kept right now!! Have a lovely Sunday , Terri xo.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much Terri! We just arrived back to Seattle after an adventurous getaway on Whidbey Island. It actually started to snow as we left the cottage we were staying at for the weekend, but it cleared up by the time we got back to Jean’s place and there’s no snow here.

      This pretty skirt will take me through the seasons, I’m planning to wear it with a white top in the summer: perhaps with a red belt and red sandals.

      Have a wonderful week!


      • Looking forward to reading about the Whidbey Island getaway Carmen! Good job htere is no snow there. The skirt will work for all seasons , Ooh it will look good with a red belt and sandals, take care, Terri xo.

        Liked by 1 person

        • carmen says:

          I spoke too soon. The temperature has dropped in Seattle and it started snowing after we got home from our island adventure. Now it’s warming up back home. Good timing to be going home again. 🙂


  3. Bob says:

    The skirt was made for dancing.
    Perhaps you’ll wear it to dance class. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very cute and love the flowers!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Nancy says:

    What a lovely idea about the rocks! And that skirt is wonderful, I love the mixed prints!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Isn’t is a fabulous idea?! It was like a little hidden treasure! I have dabbled a bit with pattern mixing. Usually, I stick to black and white to be safe. 🙂



  6. utesmile says:

    You are really lucky to have escaped the real cold. 14 degrees sound so lovely. Even in London it is relatively cold with -2 C this morning. Enjoy the mild while you can!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maggie says:

    So glad you are enjoying the warm weather, we are not so lucky in Ontario, cold weather is going to end today, we will had 0 degree tomorrow that plus temperature for couple days !

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Yes, it’s a lot warmer in Seattle! Daniel said was -25°C yesterday and -17°C today, but I’m glad temperatures are rising in the next few days, hopefully they’ll keep rising when we get home. 🙂 I wore this skirt last week to go dancing! I miss dancing with you but I don’t miss the cold! 😦



  8. Jodie says:

    I would never think of Seattle as being warm, but you’re right!! Maybe that’s where we should vacation next winter!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Escaping from a frost-bitten Canadian winter, Seattle is wonderful! This particular day was the warmest so far, about 58°F (sunny with no wind, so it felt pleasant). It’s so much better than the bitter-cold weather in Ontario where I could never take my coat off in January. I did put my coat back on after the photoshoot. 🙂 I don’t need a hat or gloves and there are some people in shorts and T-shirts.

      Apparently, Seattle is having better weather than usual, so don’t give up that vacation in California or you might be disappointed. 🙂



  9. finbarsgift says:

    Wow, it seems to be hot over there, where you are *smile*
    No polar vortex like in and around Chicago?!
    Have a pleasant day, dear Carmen!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Comparatively, it is much better than Chicago (and Ontario where I live). This particular day, was the best day so far with the temperature about 14°C and the sun was shining. I was in the shade but there was no wind at all which makes a difference. Usually, it’s been around 9°C. Today is 10°C and it’s drizzly. Definitely not hot, but I’m so happy it’s not snowing, Although there is a possibility of snow on Monday when the temperature will drop to 2°C. 😦

      Liebe Grüße aus Seattle!


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