Teddy Bear Christmas

Welcome to the Museum of Childhood

My love for teddy bears began before I can remember. I had a small collection of teddy bears and dolls in my childhood, which unfortunately, were given away (against my wishes). In those days, my mom thought I was too old for dolls and teddy bears. I disagree, you’re never too old for teddy bears. For me they are not only comfort creatures and happy memories, but works of art.

Anyone who has ever been to my house knows I am slightly obsessed with these cuddly creatures. We never outgrow teddy bears, they are friends for life! Many of my bears are handmade by artisans from Canada, USA and Scotland. My favourite bears are made by Steiff, a German company which many believe are the original bears.

You can see my BIGGEST bear here.

I’ve been collecting teddy bears ever since I supposedly grew up. Some of my collection are artist bears, my favourite artist being Lorraine Chien. I first met her at the One-of-a-Kind Christmas show in Toronto. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of being invited to her home for private shows.

Being at Lorraine’s is magical and transports me to a place of wonder and imagination! It is filled with whimsical dreams and the innocence of childhood fantasies! Lorraine is an amazing artist and captures the heart of playfulness. Her creativity is awe-inspiring!

From the moment I step on the path that Ieads to her front door, the anticipation of the thriII of Christmas overwheIms me! And I feeI Iike a chiId once again! It is like stepping into a storybook where charming characters from every fairy tale come to greet you! I hope my photos have captured some of the essence of Lorraine’s art!

All through the years, I have opened my home for Teddy Bear Tea Parties and Teddy Bear Christmas, my guests range from ages 3 to 99.

My Teddy bears are hoping hibernation season will soon be over and are longing for spring!

What do you collect?

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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23 Responses to Teddy Bear Christmas

  1. Aww such a cute collection of bears Carmen! I am sorry you lost yours from your childhood. I can see why you open your home to view them . My favourite is the tea party bears, so cute. Happy new year to you, Terri xo.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much Terri! My granddaughter loves setting up the little tea parties for the bears! I also have beds, carriages, tricycles, a stove, a bathtub, a washing machine and little chests of drawers for them. Like I said, I live in the museum of childhood. 🙂

      Blessings for the New Year!


  2. utesmile says:

    Carmen,they are adorable, SO many different ones and having tea parties, just super amazing. I studied the pictures and I just love them all. As you say you never grow out of teddy dears! They have sweet jumpers, trousers and dresses on and it reminds me of mine. Such a beautiful post. Hope you are having a great time with your daughter! We all look forward to Spring….. soon January! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      So happy that you enjoyed this post as I thought you would, because you have a heart for bears too! I’ve added three more photos, let’s see if you can spot them. They are in the first Gallery (which are my bears). The second Gallery are Lorraine’s bears. I plan to do a special post of my Steiff bears as well as other Steiff toys sometime. Please scroll down and see Mecki and Micki.


      PS. Be sure to bring Danny when you come! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely post…me? I collect books, but alas, I must give some of them away! My bookshelves are full!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      We used to have an extensive book collection but had to start donating them to make room for the bears. We still have a few books. What kind of books do your read, and I’m sure, The Holy Bible is your favourite! 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jodie says:

    I love that you have Teddy Bear Parties, Carmen. How cute!!
    I don’t really collect anything anymore. Besides clothes…ha ha!
    But my mom has an owl collection that is huge!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      The bears enjoy having company because they love all the attention they get. The only problem is, they get admired while I do all the work. Not one of them lends a paw to help me. Oh yes, I also collect clothes, but I’m not sure if I have more bears or clothes … ha ha!! I would love to see your mom’s owl collection.



  5. Ralph says:

    What a fine collection of teddy bears dear Carmen !
    I used to collect Arabian perfume bottles and Natascha collects soft toys and everything cats …They are everywhere ! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. finbarsgift says:

    What a lovely collection of cute teddy bears!! 🐻
    Liebe Weihnachtsgrüße vom Lu

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Glad you like them! These are only a few of my bears. I was in Giengen an der Brenz at the Steiff Museum and bought a few there to add to my Steiff collection (including Mecki and Micki, my beloved hedgehogs). What an amazing story, Margarete Steiff was a remarkable women with a unique company (I’m sure you know).



      • finbarsgift says:

        Das klingt bezaubernd, liebe Carmen. Ich kenne die Ostalbgegend, habe mal einige Jahre in Heidenheim an der Brenz gelebt und bin dort in die Mittelstufe des Gymnasiums gegangen…
        Hab eine schöne Zeit zwischen den Jahren! 🌟🌟🌟
        Liebe Morgengrüße vom Lu

        Liked by 1 person

  7. josep-maria says:

    I know your fondness for teddy bears and I understand it, because they are adorable, tender, soft and beautiful elements, characteristics that can also be applied to your personality. You collect them or are they the ones who want to be with you, because they know that in no other house will they have a more adorable companion?

    Liked by 1 person

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