Spring is on the way

We had a taste of spring and all the snow melted like a snowman in a sauna! I was able to wear spring jackets and my tartan poncho (bought in 1994 in Scotland).

tartan ponchotartan poncho 2tartan poncho 3

Funny, I don’t like it when stores start showing their fall collections in the summer. I don’t even want to think about fall while I’m enjoying my favourite season because I dread winter.

However, there’s just something hopeful and uplifting when the stores start advertising spring clothes deep in the middle of winter! Bring it on!

March started with a snowfall to remind us that it’s still winter. I’m going to start packing away my snowmen and make room for my spring decor.


Can’t wait to shed my winter coats and wear sandals again!

Bring on the spring!



About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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26 Responses to Spring is on the way

  1. Wish it were 😦 still very cold where I live. Ponchos are a great alternative to coats and jackets and they look good. Yours is particularly pretty, because it’s my beloved tartan. :))))) Kisses – Margot :)))

    Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beauty of bright colors😍. You look so pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very pretty poncho on you Carmen! I love the colors! I am with you on seeing Fall clothes in summer! And now I am getting excited over Spring clothes! Im with you!
    thank you for linking!
    jess xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Gemma says:

    What a wonderful poncho! You look amazing.

    Gemma x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Alex | SoFitSoPretty says:

    Really love the poncho! I just recently bought one in black and grey but I love this one! Very cute outfit!

    Alex | http://www.SoFitSoPretty.com

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much Alex! Ponchos are great for this time of year, except our temperatures have dropped and I’ll have to wait a little longer for spring. Oh well, it was a nice while it lasted for a few days.

      ❤ carmen


  7. josep-maria says:

    I love your poncho of tartan! I love the combination of colors and I love how you wear it! Your elegance is personal, so delicate and so beautiful. And I love seeing you with this black outfit with the red top inside, the delicate lace sticking out from your neckline and caressing your skin. And the heart hanging from your neck, the heart that appears in all your moments, why the heart is you! I imagine your happiness to start springtime after the harsh winter of Ontario. Soon you can enjoy your wonderful spring looks, soon you will seduce us a little more with your delicacy and beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much Josep-Maria! I’m glad I had a few days to wear my tartan poncho and some spring jackets, but it has turned cold again with more snow and the view from my window looks like a sugar frosted forest. You will see what I am wearing under my poncho in the next post. Hope you like it!

      ❤ carmen


  8. Patti says:

    That’s a fab plaid wrap, Carmen! Lots of the world is cold right now, but I confess that in Florida we’re sitting outdoors in our tee shirts (sorry). Thanks for linking up, xo


    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Patti! I’m wearing a tee shirt too … under my sweater and inside the house. 😦 You are very blessed to live in the land of eternal sunshine!

      ❤ carmen


  9. utesmile says:

    Yes bring on Spring. We had a week of real Winter in London, many boilers broke down and it was freezing with a storm too. Today it starts melting as well. I loved the white snow, but I also look forward to Spring very much! Get rid of the snowmen…..bring in the flowers!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Love the shawl and spring has given way to winter. We are presently in the middle of a snow storm

    Liked by 1 person

  11. You look great in those colors. Carmen, please tell spring we are waiting.

    Liked by 1 person

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