Little Red Dress and a Houndstooth Coat

It’s a title I’ve used before, Little Red Dress, this time with a completely different style. My dress from the Fabulous over 40 Model Search was ultra glamorous! This one is classy for everyday and yet can be dressed up to go to a birthday party (like my birthday 🙂 ) and a romantic Valentine’s dinner.

I’m celebrating 66 years!

 It’s only a number. I don’t act my age. The best is yet to come!

LRD and houndstooth coatLRD 1LRD 2

I bought this little red dress at Hudson’s Bay during their Boxing Day sales. The front is a very soft faux suede and I love the fancy faux suede stitching, gives it a bit of a western vibe. In this bitter cold weather, I’m wearing warm bamboo tights from Drizzle and Shine. I won’t need those when the weather warms up someday, but for now, they are perfect.close up

Oops! Caught in the act of refreshing my red lipstick!

red lipstickLRD 3

Houndstooth coat is thrifted and takes me from the house to the car to the restaurant.

Version 2

The little black heart purse was a gift from my daughter Jean for my 60th birthday.

houndstooth coatHappy birthday to my February friends 

and Happy Valentine’s to everyone!

Love never fails!

Life is good!


LRD and purse

Fashion party at Patti’s



About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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36 Responses to Little Red Dress and a Houndstooth Coat

  1. Pingback: Little Red Dress and a Houndstooth Coat — fashion with compassion | All The Things I Could Do

  2. Anna Love says:

    That really looks fantastic! So beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the dress, the coat and the tights. Completely in love with the little heart bag..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy 66th birthday! I’m glad you’re living a healthy vegan lifestyle. It definitely shows! Ageless, timeless beauty!

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much Jean! I always mention you when I tell people why I am vegan. At 66 I’m healthy and feel energetic! But the best feeling that being vegan gives me is peace in my heart. ❤ For that I have you to thank! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Gemma says:

    I hope you had a lovely birthday! I really love the dress.

    Gemma x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. CARMEN HAPPY< HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🙂 !!! You look incredibly beautiful and sooooo young 🙂 🙂 Your red dress is ideal for this occassion and with your ever so smart coat and black accessories the whole outfit is just perfect for this kind of celebration. Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🙂 Kisses – Margot :)))

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so very much for your kind words Margot! It’s a pleasure to share fashion with you and I do appreciate you taking time to comment. I love how we encourage and inspire each other, it makes blogging a very positive experience! It would be lovely to meet in person! 🙂

      ❤ carmen


  7. utesmile says:

    A very happy Birthday , beautiful Carmen. 35 again, you look so young and yes we do not behave our age anyway…. Hope you have an amazing Day. Life is good and enjoyable! Make is amazing and love it! big Birthday hugs from Ute

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      WOW!! Thank you so much for your kind words Ute! The best part of my birthday was having my family over for a birthday dinner and receiving phone calls and messages (including these wonderful comments) from friends near and far! Makes me feel loved and that’s the BEST gifts – love and kindness! ❤

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Patti says:

    Happiest birthday!! It is indeed just a number, and you look gorgeous in your red dress (and thank you for featuring me last week!), xox


    Liked by 1 person

  9. Aww happy Birthday Carmen , I need to look at your ID as I think you look nowhere near that age!! The dress is so pretty with the stitching and I like the tights and booties with it. A girl has to look her best and that includes checking her lipstick! The coat is fabulous , so dressy and I love the purse tying everything together. Have a beautiful Valentines day Dear, lots of extra hugs, Terri xo.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      You’re so sweet, what a lovely compliment! I really do have fun with fashion. Hearts are one of my favourite things (perhaps because I was born in February) so I have a lot of heart jewellery and clothes, as well as home decor! I’ll show some in my next post.

      ❤ carmen


  10. Cathie says:

    Happy Birthday! You still look just as young as when you were 20!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Don says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You look beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Happy, happy birthday Carmen. You look amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jodie says:

    Happiest of birthdays Carmen, and you look absolutely lovely in this dress!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Ileana says:

    Happy birthday, meine liebe Freundin! Be joyful, healthy, elegant and young now and many, many years from now! I love your pics, you look awesome! Yes, life is good. Keep it that way.
    When the weather will be friendlier, it would be nice to get together for a good chat. What do you say?
    ❤️ Ileana

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Vielen Dank für Deine liebe Geburtstagswünsche, liebe Ileana! 🙂
      I wait for the day we can go for tea and have a nice chat to catch up on our in-person friendship! Perhaps another leisurely stroll around the neighbourhood! 🙂

      In the meantime, stay warm my dear!
      ❤ carmen


  15. mihrank says:

    classical, tres chiques, joy of colors and elegance:)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Love the red dress. Very cute shot of you putting on your lipstick. Love it. Beautiful smile too. You look amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

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