Exploring Seattle

While visiting my daughter in Seattle in September, I couldn’t resist buying a new wardrobe at her eco boutique Drizzle & Shine. Here’s one of the four skirts I bought. It’s made by Synergy and I have mentioned this fair-trade company several times in my blog.


This A-line skirt is 100% organic cotton with an appliqué design and has a matching top.

Version 2

When I’m not helping Jean steam a new shipment of clothing that arrived or going to a coffee shop to buy her a soy latte, I’m busy trying on clothes and this skirt was a perfect fit.


Drizzle & Shine has lovely vegan purses and cute clutches like this one. Some available online.


If I’m not dancing, then my next favourite activity is walking. I can walk all day and not be tired, especially when there’s so much to see and enjoy. We walked from Capitol Hill (where Jean has her store) down to Puget Sound and meandered around Pike Place market.


This is the Edgewater Hotel in the background (where the Beatles and Elvis stayed). It was a little cool, I just took my coat off for the photo.


Whether it’s walking through a park, along the busy streets in the city or in a neighbourhood to admire the homes, I love exploring Seattle.


It’s a fabulous place to visit!

Happy weekend!



About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
This entry was posted in Active Lifestyle, Cruelty-free, eco fashion, Fair trade, Fashion, Jeanofalltrades, Memories, Photography, Seattle, Shopping, Travel and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to Exploring Seattle

  1. Kristy Michel says:

    Ooo that’s cute, is that dress for older ladies like 50 or younger girls like my age younf adult?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Carmen, Wow, you look great in this outfit! I LOVE the skirt! The pattern with the additional baby blue leaves is lovely. Did you buy the matching top? I can see many reasons why you buy clothing there. Continued sucess for your daughter.
    Hope to see you at Turning heads tuesday!
    jess xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you very much Jess! Unfortunately, I missed out on getting the matching top. 😦 I snoozed, I loozed.

      I’ll be by soon to linkup with you lovely ladies!
      ❤ carmen


  3. josep-maria says:

    What a wonderful skirt! I love the beautiful print and design, which fits your figure of wonder. The combination with the black top is perfect, it is a very elegant look, sober and simple, like yourself. I love the outfit with the coat and the handkerchief, it looks perfect and elegant. I would love to see you with the top matching the skirt, it would be a complete set. How beautiful your hair and your smile in these photos, you look really beautiful. A super stylish woman, even in the first photo, where a small piece of red underwear (a minor detail) LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Oh my!! You have noticed my fashion mistake 🙂 I am blushing. You are so observant! My mother taught me that the undergarment should match the outfit. Here it is actually a red camisole that I am wearing underneath and I did not realize that it would show. I should have looked in the mirror, I should have listened to my mother! 🙂 Thank you kindly for your wonderful comment. I regret that I did not buy the matching top, now it is too late and they are sold out. 😦

      Have a happy week!
      ❤ carmen


  4. ivanev says:

    I would like to visit Seattle, it seem a nice city with good weather, and also visit Jean’s store. You look wonderful dressy but comfortable at the same time. You really know how to dress wonderful for any occasion. Have a nice weekend too !!


    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      You will love Seattle, a beautiful city because Jean lives there 🙂 I hope you get a chance to visit, Jean’s store is really wonderful: all eco friendly, fair-trade and cruelty-free. Great styles for men and women – and flats too! 🙂

      Thanks for dropping by!
      ❤ carmen


  5. I’m not surprised that you couldn’t resist buying things at your daughter’s shop. They are lovely 🙂 . This skirt is amazing and the top to go with it too. I love black so for me ideas like that are the best. Have a lovely week – kisses – Margot 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. joni says:

    Love that brand and have a few things by them too. I also love walking Seattle from one end to the other. In fact, I plan on taking the bus down town on Monday and walking up to Drizzle weather permitting. Rain can put a damper on things for sure.
    The skirt looks great on you!

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      Thanks so much Joni! Seattle is a lovely city for walking. The weather report looks like a good day for walking. Please say hi to Jean. Wish I could join you for shopping and a coffee break. I would love to buy the top for this skirt, I missed out on it and now I regret it.

      Have fun!
      ❤ carmen


  7. Emy Will says:

    Fitting and impressive in many ways. I ❤ the vegan purses.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. utesmile says:

    It looks like a great place and fun to explore. I can imagine you trying lots on in the store and wanting to buy it all…. hehe It looks all so beautiful and lovely. You could be Jean’s model fir the website 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you very much Ute! What a sweet thing to say! I have such fun modelling clothes, perhaps a frivolous hobby, but I do enjoy fashion; it’s a form of art. People are so creative with designs, colours, details etc. We are the only “creatures” of God’s creation that wear clothes. 🙂

      Have a lovely week!
      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Finde ich gut. Ein schönes Wochenende.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. robjodiefilogomo says:

    I’m so excited Carment because when my husband and I are there visiting next weekend with Sherry (from Petite over 40) we’re going to try to visit the store!! Are you going to be around next weekend? We were thinking of shopping there probably on Sat. Feb. 18th? I can give you my # if we want to connect?

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      You will absolutely love Seattle Jodie! Unfortunately, I’m not in Seattle, however, Jean will be happy to meet you both. Jean has a blogger discount, she’ll give you 10% off your purchases (for you and Sherry).

      Have a fabulous time and tell Jean I sent you! Looking forward to hear all about your travel adventure!

      ❤ carmen


    • Oh how fun! I hope you can stop by the store. I’m working today and I’d love to meet you and give you the blogger discount my mom mentioned.

      Liked by 1 person

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