The Long, Cold Winter

You know it’s wickedly cold when Niagara Falls freezes over! It’s a spectacular sight (actually, it isn’t completely frozen and the water still flows underneath). Bitter cold temperatures haven’t kept the tourists away, so there’s plenty of photos to view on the Internet. I still hope to see it, before they thaw as temperatures start to rise.

Niagara Falls

Here’s how the front porch looked just before I left for Seattle in January. Great packing snow!

black coat black coat

Now you can barely see the Muskoka chairs.

front porch Colourful winter coats, worn with pretty scarves, help to cheer me and keep me warm on these subzero winter days. Red always brightens my mood and I wear a different scarf every time.

red coat

Timeless houndstooth and other bold patterns makes a coat look stylish and impressive. This one is from a thrift shop and cost $20.

houndstooth coat

Of course, every woman needs a black coat too; goes with all my wild patterned leggings and colourful, printed skinny jeans.

black coat

Pretty pink and florals worn during dreary winter months gives me hope that spring will return. This coat is washable faux suede with a faux fur trim. My earmuffs are a gift from my cousin when she came to visit in October, perfect to keep my ears toasty warm today.

pink faux fur coat

 The snow today is too powdery for making snowballs. Knit scarf and gloves are from Reitmans and my faux suede boots are from Payless.

pink faux suede coat

My father told me these encouraging German words.

Es geht alles vorüber, es geht alles vorbei.

Nach jedem Winter, folgt wieder ein Mai.

Everything will pass, everything will be over,

After every winter, comes again another May.


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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38 Responses to The Long, Cold Winter

  1. Bob says:

    As always, tremendous photographic work… the pink coat photos,you are artfully framed (intentionally?) by the bush behind you….in the first (pink coat) photo, you have achieved a three dimensional effect by your pose !
    Such a playful presentation with the snowball shots…..suggests that winter can be fun…..
    We speak of dancing in the rain. Perhaps, we should dance in the snow!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. LFFL says:

    I’m SO GLAD winter is OVER!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Red is eye catching, but I really like the matching pink coat and boots! Makes me wish I had a pretty wardrobe of coats like yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Melinda! I have a purple coat too, not quite warm enough for this frigid winter, but as temperatures rise I’ll be wearing it again. I will show it in my spring and fall jackets collection. I hope you have a purple coat. 🙂

      ❤ carmen


  4. I’m also a fan of the pink coat and boots! You bring a touch of spring to winter with those colors and that pattern. Of course red is also great, and I love houndstooth too! Stay warm!

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Jean! My pink coat is so warm and proves we don’t need to harm animals to have great fashion and warm coats! 🙂 That makes me very happy! ❤


  5. Jess says:

    Hi Carmen! Wow, we only got 3 inches in Charlotte, that is enough for me, But snow is very pretty to look at! You are as well. Ilove all of the colors ofyour coats, from classic red and black, and the pink looks great with the floral jeans and accessories. My hubby bought me a pink coat for Vday and I just love the color, it helps to brighten things up!

    from the link up, please stop by, jessxx


    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Jess! We fashionistas have a lot in common: pink coats, lace and the black lace necklaces which I want to post when I wear mine. It looks like lace but it is actually metal.

      ❤ carmen


  6. Inese Poga Art Gallery says:

    Nice outfits and you don’t look upset about the long cold winter, straight the opposite: happy and beautiful!


  7. I LOVE buying second hand clothes and your beautiful red coat illustrates why so perfectly!
    I hope to be seeing the Falls again in person this summer when I visit London early in July … I sent you a message on FB about that. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Ralph says:

    I love the ear muffs Carmen. What a sensible gift ! Here have some of the blue sky 25C I baked in today my friend 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautiful pictures! I love the red-black scarf with the red coat. Oh, so fashionable… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. dan says:

    The photo of the Niagara Falls is wonderful and stunning!! And you are a very elegant queen of the snow! 😉 Lovely red coat and black and white scarf, as well as the plaid coat ( which is my favourite if I have to choose only one )…
    Yes, your father ‘s words are encouraging, and let’s hope May arrives … as soon as possible!!
    Stay warm, dear…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. j-m says:

    As always, the most beautiful, the most stylish and the sweetest …

    Liked by 1 person

  12. utesmile says:

    That looks so cold. Good for your warm coats which look fantastic. The pink one looks so cosy! Keep warm and I love your dad’s saying…. May will come! Yay

    Liked by 2 people

    • carmen says:

      Thank you dear Ute! Yes, it’s colder than it looks! The tiny hair in my nose freeze just going from the house to the car. I feel sorry for the birds on the barren trees and wonder why they don’t get frostbite on their little feet.

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  13. The red coat is stunning. What is it made from?


  14. Maccabros says:

    Niagara in winter? A wonder of nature…

    Your dresses? Red and black? !

    Vor dem Mai kommt noch der April, der macht was er will

    before May, there comes April and “he” does what “he” wants – rain, sunshine, snow, cloudy… 🙂

    LIebe Grüße


    Liked by 1 person

  15. I sure hope your Dad is right! It is hard to believe there will ever be a spring after this awful winter.

    Love the pink outfit!

    PS I see I need to put up a few more of my necklaces on my Etsy store. They haven’t done well and the listings have expired.


    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Suzanne! As you know, I’m not a winter kinda girl either, my preference would be to live somewhere where we don’t need winter coats and boots and hats and gloves.

      You’re so right! It’s hard to believe that spring will ever come; our back woods looks like Narnia.

      Keep warm!

      ❤ carmen

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Joni James says:

    This is a nice post seeing you in your coat wardrobe in the snow. My coats are never quite right, especially while commuting on the bus in the rain. It’s hard to find good serious coats that are affordable but with crazy weather you have to wear a serious coat!
    I love that last photo of you in the fuzzy coat.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you Joni! As I mentioned, some coats are thrifted so it really helps with my coat wardrobe. My hall closet is filled with my coats and jackets, there is no room for my husband’s coats, poor guy has to use the downstairs closet. That’s what he gets for marrying a fashionista.

      I bought a very nice gray jacket at Fred Meyer, on sale for $25 while in Seattle. I had too much stuff, so I left it there for my next trip which is planned for September, I hope to see you then!

      ❤ carmen


  17. Maggie Li says:

    Looking at your colourful winter wears, sure bring warm and joy to this wickedly cold weather , you looks good in all color !

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you dear Maggie! The photos with my pink coat were taken today – right after I found my camera! I just stepped out to get some fresh air, a quick photo shoot and then dashed back into the warm house to hibernate again.

      Glad the dance classes were canceled today, too cold and not good driving conditions.

      Stay warm!

      ❤ carmen


      • Bob says:

        Wow….dance classes were cancelled the very day we went to the airport….certainly, not good driving conditions….our departure was about 2 hrs. late….most of that time was spent on the runway waiting for our turn for the deicing procedure……..glad to be safely home. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  18. Lor @ Lovely & Cozy ♥ says:

    I love the pink coat!

    Liked by 1 person

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