
I love spring and although it’s been taking awhile here in Southern Ontario for spring to arrive in it’s fullness, the evidence is now clear; forget-me-nots, bluebells and daffodils  are blooming in the forest.


weathered gateWarmer days beckon me to come walking in the woods and enjoy the birth of new life and breathe the fresh spring air … just breathing and walking is a precious gift of living!

walking on logsitting on logsitting on a log 2bluebellsspring

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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17 Responses to Forget-me-not

  1. Bob says:

    Did you walk the length of the log to challenge your balance? I expect you could do so easily.


  2. Bob says:

    I’ll bet that all the forest animals were admiring you.


  3. I too consider walking and breathing as gifts, because they can be taken away in an instant. The greatest joy of life, is appreciating life’s value. Without that, it will take tons to bring pleasure. On the flip-side, a sunset is considered magical, when you have a great appreciation for life.


    • carmen says:

      How right you are, my dear Gentleman! There is so much we take for granted, it’s good to enjoy the simple pleasures and appreciate little things; we often overlook the beauty all around us.

      Stop to smell the roses, stop to look at the clouds, count our blessings and be grateful for life!

      Have a blessed weekend!

      ❤ carmen


  4. LFFL says:

    Very cute outfit. And the hat is adorable.


  5. suzannecarillo says:

    Just lovely photos and location. It’s not blooming that much here yet…just starting to show a bit of green.

    You are right, it is a gift just to breathe and walk.



    • carmen says:

      A friend showed me this beautiful spot by the river, it is breathtakingly beautiful. We already have tulips growing, things were warming up for a few days and now cool rainy weather again. sigh

      The sun will shine again,

      ❤ carmen


  6. You are fashionable even in the forest!!


  7. Ralph says:

    Hi Carmen 😀 You really do know how to “log on” 😉 heehee Ralph xox ❤


  8. josepmbadia says:

    That lovely post, Carmen. Some beautiful photos of a wonderful place. Beautiful scenery, with colors exploding in the early spring. Canada, seems a natural paradise, with beautiful rivers, forests, mountains, perfect for country living. Although your winter is so raw, it’s a place to dream.
    You look beautiful with your capri, a black beanie and your red sandals, and a look that invites us to enjoy hikes, for your forest. A wonderful landscape and a beautiful woman, a great post.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you my dear Josep-Maria! We both love nature. Perhaps someday you will visit my beautiful country 🙂

      Have a great weekend my friend!

      ❤ carmen


  9. utesmile says:

    Wow it is a sea of blue in your forest, how beautiful. Is it already warm enough for no socks there? We have rain and really cool again, so the knitted dress comes out again 🙂
    I so love Spring too and all new precious life!


    • carmen says:

      We’ve had some warmer days, but also cool and rainy days. No, it is not quite warm enough, but I have worn sandals twice, my feet need fresh air after being cooped up all winter 😉

      Hope things are warming up for you!

      ❤ carmen


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