Up, Up and Away!

Ever since before I can remember, I was fascinated with airplanes and airports. Perhaps it’s because one of my earliest memories is going to an airport in Germany, watching the planes land and take off. My mother, brother and I were on our way to immigrate to Canada (my father was already there waiting for us). With grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends all gathered to see us off and wish us a bon voyage, it was a lovely commotion. I didn’t know that I would not be returning, nor that I would only see my grandfather once more in the future.

With my little red suitcase in hand, I remember boarding the plane. Those were the days when people walked outside to the plane and climbed up a huge, steel staircase to embark the aircraft. I had seen planes from the ground but now I was up, up and away! Looking out the little, roundish window, watching cars turn into toys before they vanished, and then I was above the clouds for the first time in my life! It was an experience that thrilled me!

I wasn’t scared, just totally trusting and unaware that planes can crash! Birds fly, everything seemed so natural, yet magical.

My dad got his pilot license when I was about eight years old and bought a four-seater plane, no bigger than a car. I enjoyed every trip up in the sky and got to see a perspective of Ontario that stays vivid in my mind; a life-sized road map, the vast land and open spaces between cities and towns, the colourful patchwork of fields, like a huge quilt covering the countryside, lakes that looked like ponds. It didn’t matter where we were going – I went for the ride!

It was a totally different feeling than flying in a big plane or jet. It felt like an automobile with wings and I actually felt safer than in a car. Sometimes, while in a traffic jam, I imagine pushing a button on the dashboard and wings will pop out so I can fly to escape … I know, I know, that’s impossible but I’ve been imagining it ever since I was a child.

It was always intriguing watching planes in the sky and wondering where their destination would be. We often went to the airport to pick up guests when they came to visit. Whether going to arrivals or departures – it was a special occasion, we dressed up like we were going to church or a Royal Gala! I remember wanting to be an airline stewardess when I grew up.

Even now, I enjoy the hustle and bustle at airports, the excitement of flying, another adventure awaits me – I’ll be flying higher than the birds soon!


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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11 Responses to Up, Up and Away!

  1. Sartenada says:

    The work of air hostesses is hard. I have had opportunity to follow it very close. My daughter was one many years ago. I worked for an airline and also flew during five years as a flying officer.

    More here:

    About me.

    Have a great day!


    • Carmen says:

      I think my childhood dream of being a flight attendant was a fantasy – now I can see how much work it really is! I admire all those in the aviation occupation.

      ❤ carmen


  2. Bob says:

    Have you taken your grandchildren to Kitchener/Waterloo airport to see the aeroplanes coming and going?


  3. Bob says:

    I enjoy your literary style….so readable…I have said for years that everybody has a book in them…most books will never be inscribed…..for generations to come your descendents will enjoy each chapter you have recorded.
    It may well be that someday cars will have a flight optional mode. When man first landed on the moon my father was not surprised, saying that years before comics were about putting man into space. Have there been comics about flying cars?
    Have you enjoyed a helicopter ride over Niagara Falls?
    Have you had a hot air ballroom ride over the Grand River?


    • Carmen says:

      How true – we all have a story; some long stories, some short stories, some Reader’s Digest, some tragic, some funny, but all unique.

      We watched Jean and Jonathan as they hovered over New York City in a helicopter and I have seen many hot air balloons float by over the Grand River when we lived there. But I have never experienced helicopter or hot air balloon rides … sounds wonderful. Have you?

      ❤ carmen


      • Bob says:

        I have had a helicopter ride over Niagara Falls…..it was cheaper to take it from Niagara-on-the-lake than it was to take it from Niagara Falls…there were four of us.


  4. Carmen says:

    Great idea! Thanks for the reminder that we have an airport nearby. We went to see an airshow at Breslau last year.


  5. Yes – wonderful story. I love the way you wrote it and the vivid descriptions you used. I’m sad to say you’ll never be an “air hostess” or “stewardess.” If you got hired today (which you could, btw), you’d be a “flight attendant”! Ha ha! I do like the images I’ve seen of elegant travel from the 50s and 60s. I wish people still dressed up to fly instead of wearing track pants and flip-flops.


    • Carmen says:

      I agree with you about elegant travel. Casual maybe, but still with style! I don’t even dress at home in some of the clothes I see people wearing! Fashion is fun and who knows who you might run into, eh? I’ll never forget the time I went to the grocery store without being put together and isn’t that the time I run into someone I haven’t seen for years and they’re think I really let myself go. Is that pride? Perhaps a little, and what’s wrong with taking pride in how we look? I call it dignity. 😉

      I have a photo of Oma at the airport (I’ll try to find it and post it) wearing a little jacket like Jackie O, pencil skirt just below the knees, high heels – soooo 60s. And her hair looks like she just stepped out of a beauty parlour. ❤


  6. josepmbadia says:

    A lovely air hostess, a beautiful story.


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