Gone With the Wind

The autumn leaves of gold and crimson looked awesome, but they are gone with the wind and all that’s left are skeletons. We’ve even had our first snowfall. I’m thankful for the pines and spruce trees, at least there’s some greenery around. I’m still trying to find something positive–like Pollyanna does–to cheer me up.

There’s always something to be glad about.

Wearing my almost new (thrifted) beret with my tartan boots and tartan wrap from Scotland makes me smile. Wearing cozy sweaters are comforting. Going to Christmas bazaars and craft shows and decorating for Christmas makes me happy. Hearty vegetable soup on a dark, snowy night warms me up. Going dancing lifts my mood and I can keep my mind off the thought that the long, cold winter is coming.

My tartan rubber boots keep my feet dry, they are so comfortable and fun to wear. Jean had a pair and let me wear hers while I was in Seattle. She was so kind to order a pair for me and when they arrived in a package one day, I was as delighted as a kid on Christmas morning!

What do you do to brighten up, cheer up, liven up November?

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Our first snowfall (12 cm) a magical sight from my bedroom window, but baby, it’s cold outside!


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
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21 Responses to Gone With the Wind

  1. Hi Carmen, such a cute look with your tartan wrap and I love those boots. What a nice gift from Jean! The beret goes well with everything . I feel for you getting 12cm of snow. We have not had that much . But I am glad you are able to find ways to get through the winter. You are such a positive Lady who gets on with it and shows winter you are not going to let it win! Take care , Terri xo.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mackenzie says:

    I loveee this outfit, Carmen! Very Parisian and perfect for fall!!


  3. josep-maria says:

    What a nice look with your red beret and your clothes with plaid. The print of the wrap, its volume and its originality I love. And the boots are a real cute one! You look really beautiful and wonderful with this mix look of Scotland and France. A European outfit, very close.

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you very much Josep-Maria! You’re right, it is a mix of Scotland and France and I’m glad you like it. Now with the snow, I have to wear warm coats and boots, hats, scarves and gloves and it is such a bother to get ready to go out. I have three classes today but I would prefer to stay home on such bitter-cold days (even though I love teaching dance). I would love a vacation in warm Catalonia by the Mediterranean Sea! 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  4. utesmile says:

    It is definitely getting colder. Also here leaves went with the last wind, the odd trees have some left, and I got my knitted dress out. Waking up in the dark, going home form work in the dark…. not that great. I bought myself some Quince yesterday and will attempt jam today. That makes me happy as Quince is my favourite fruit taste. It is just divine! You always brighten my mornings when I see a new post from you Carmen! !♥ Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      You are so sweet dear Ute! It is wonderful to encourage each other! I am very thankful for our friendship! I have never had quince, so I asked my husband to buy some quince jam (he does the shopping).

      Time to wear our warm cozy clothes! The dark mornings and getting dark early in the evening is depressing—but on the bright side—only one month till the days will start getting longer again! Whoo hoo!! 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

      • utesmile says:

        Exactly, after 21st December it goes lighter again. It goes so fast. i have just finished with the jam, it is hard work as the Quinces are very hard to cut. I have never seen it to buy unless it is homemade. My mum always made it and I looove the smell and taste. Keep warm Carmen, warm hugs from Ute xx

        Liked by 1 person

  5. YOU brighten up our day, week, and so on! Canadian Thanksgiving is on a different day than the American one? Have a happy and blessed one, whenever it is! ❤ Our first snow was Thursday of last week—close to 6 inches in parts! I was driving and the wife has to tell everybody it took one and a half hours to get from dialysis in Milford, Mass., home to Douglas. I do tend to go slow and careful—downshifting on most hills. Had my worst accident ever on snow-covered ice—although this was slush underneath. Car's in the shop—despite a new battery, it still won't hold a charge! Take it easy, I have to—too grouchy for my own good!

    Liked by 1 person

    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much for your kind comment Jonathan! Yes, the Canadian Thanksgiving is in October, every day is a good day to give thanks to God for His abundant blessings! Snow can cause dangerous driving conditions, I’m glad you are careful. Unfortunately, some people drive like it’s a summer day during snowstorms.

      Stay safe!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Carmen, you brighten up every season

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Very cute…especially the plaid boots…what a hoot! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! 💖💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Nancy says:

    I absolutely love your boots!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jodie says:

    There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. I just shared a FB post about being happy for the little things. like clean water and food. You know? The things we take for granted!!!
    I love those boots. I’m on the lookout for another pair since mine got a crack in them!!

    Liked by 1 person

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