Why do I blog?

carmenIt’s two years since I’ve been blogging, inspired by my daughter Jean of all trades who started her fashion and style blog in January 2011.

It’s a fun hobby, perhaps a tad frivolous, but definitely fun! I like writing, so this is a sort of public journal and inventory of my wardrobe for the most part. It makes me smile when my cousins across the ocean they tell me they are reading my blog regularly.

I enjoy sharing thoughts about fashion and my personal style. Fashion is fun; everyday feels like I’m playing dress-ups. I’m interested in seeing what other real women are wearing and prefer reading blogs than looking at magazines with young, unrealistic, photoshopped models.

Blogging is a creative outlet and a good diversion from the mundane chores of life. I can do it when I feel like it: no deadlines, no pressure, no stress!! No money, but that has never been my goal. I’m not looking to have a million hits or thousands of followers. I’m not in competition with anyone, for that would take away my joy.

It’s a pleasure meeting other bloggers in the blogosphere. The Internet makes it possible to connect with friends from across the miles. Some of my readers are friends that live in my little corner of the world, including dancers in my classes. (My dance page is specially for you!) You have encouraged me with your kind comments in person! Some readers live in other cities and countries, and I’m always happy when you take the time to comment. But whether near or far, friend or e-friend, I appreciate everyone who stops by! It makes my day to hear from you and see a few “likes”.

On a serious note, health is important, being a certified fitness instructor and vegan, I like promoting a healthy life-style. (Anybody enjoy being sick?) I have seen dear friends and family die of cancer (younger than I am). I hope I can influence some people and be an example. We are, after all, influential beings and share this planet we call earth. I continue to learn from others.

Other reasons that I blog: I enjoy photography and can post photos in my blog, I can express my views and thoughts, write about topics that are urgent such as animal cruelty, social injustices, concerns about our environment, and other important matters. I can write about what I believe because that is part of who I am.

I enjoy a morning coffee and checking out blogs–real people, real thoughts, real life.  It used to be that we could only read books that have been published and magazines on the rack. Not everyone has time to write a book, that alone get it published. Nowadays there are millions of stories being shared daily, alas, not enough time to read them all, but they are available and we can take a peek into the lives of our fellow earthlings!

If you are still reading, you are getting to know me better. This is the longest post I’ve written in my blog. I try to keep my posts short for my readers because time is precious and we all have a life outside of blogging. I started writing this in September to have it ready for my two year Blogaversary and it keeps growing longer. I will conclude now lest it turn into a book!

Thank you WordPress for sending me this note!!


Dear friends wherever you are, let’s keep on sharing our stories and interests!
Thank you for visiting, come back anytime!

God bless you!!!

With love,
♥ carmen

Why do you blog?

About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion. https://fashionableover50.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/4thejoyofit/?hl=pl
This entry was posted in Active Lifestyle, Animals, Dance, Easter, Fashion, Jeanofalltrades, Memories, Nutrition, Plant-based diet, Vegetarian/Vegan Lifestyle and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to Why do I blog?


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bob says:

    See the two comments above…..again thank you, thank you for the many facets of your joyful life. So many Christians do not exude the joy of the peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you so much Bob!!
      You have really encouraged me with all your kind compliments!
      I appreciate you taking time to read and comment!

      Peace and joy!!
      ❤ carmen


  3. dan says:

    I loved knowing more about my blogger friends ( may I call you friend? )
    I like meeting different people all around the world and blogging gives me the opportunity! Every now and then I happen to know a person that I consider special . . .
    It is funny indeed to think that someone very far away is reading the blog!! ( and so wonderful!! )


    • carmen says:

      You make me smile Dan! 🙂 I feel the same, it is so wonderful to meet people from around the world and share a bond of friendship!!

      Your friend in Canada!!
      ❤ carmen


  4. Happy blog-aversary! I really enjoy reading your blog and I’m glad to have inspired you. I enjoy your fashion posts, and your posts about animals, faith, and dance. I like how you’re doing this for you, for fun. I know I’m not being manipulated or “sold to” when I read your posts. I see your passions and your personality in this blog. Here’s to many more fun years of blogging!


    • Bob says:

      Thank you, Jean, for encouraging your Mom to blog. Her readers are grateful you did. I anticipate meeting you in person someday, and hubby if he comes home with you to visit.


  5. Carmen!! A Christian vegan!! Finally, I do not feel alone! I have always found supporters in each camp but not both together. I certainly know a few Christian friends who try to follow a whole-foods, plant-based diet (and I support and encourage that) but not necessarily a vegan one. Thank you for stopping by my blog and I look forward to connecting with you more.


    • carmen says:

      Hi Julie! I share your sentiments!!! It’s encouraging to meet another Christian vegan! I have several Christian vegetarian friends, but hope more and more will become vegan: for health, for the animals, for our planet.

      I used to be only a vegetarian until my daughter became vegan and showed me how cruel the dairy industry is and gave me a book (John Robbins – Diet for a New America). We had a rescued hen that my young son was raising and one day while buying food for her at a friend’s chicken farm, I had a look inside. To my horror, what I saw is not the worst part–the stench burnt my eyes, I could hardly breathe (my husband walked in and immediately had to leave, it was so bad!). Those poor chickens in abominable conditions, that remain there for their entire lives until they are ‘spent’ (one to two years).

      I witnessed an SUV pull up, and the people came to buy the spent hens. They grabbed them by their legs and mercilessly stuffed them into crates. That’s the thanks these little hens get for having laid eggs in these deplorable, painful conditions. This cannot be justified by any means.

      For me it was like a dog-lover walking into a puppy mill. I love all animals and cannot contribute to this cruelty.

      I totally agree to support and encourage any steps people make towards a plant-based diet: meatless Mondays, cutting down on animal products and vegetarian.

      With love and compassion,
      ❤ carmen


      • Bob says:

        I cherish your friendship and appreciate the support you extend to minimalists (my term for vegetarians, wannabe vegans, sometimes vegan, wherever people are in their journey along the curvature or bumpy pathway)….as always, you write and readable and sensible, meaningful blog.


        • carmen says:

          Thank you Bob! Minimalists is a step in the right direction, everything helps towards less suffering.
          I appreciate your kind comments and support! 🙂

          ❤ carmen


  6. gracefully50 says:

    Hello beautiful!
    Happy happy blogoversary!!


    • carmen says:

      What a treat to hear from you Jeannie!!! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. I check your blog now and then, and see that you are still on your break. Hope it has been a time of refreshing for you!!

      What makes it so special that you have commented is not only because you are on a blogging break, but also because you were one of the first people who commented when I started my blogging journey and this being my second anniversary makes it very meaningful!!

      God is good–all the time!!!
      ❤ carmen


  7. Suzanne says:

    Happy Blog-aversary! : )

    I love that you explained why you blog and that you are happy to lay your opinions “out there”. I don’t care for bloggers that aren’t true to themselves simply because they want to be liked by everyone. It is great to be liked but more important to have morals and principles that you stand for. I appreciate that about you.



    • carmen says:

      A sincere thank you Suzanne! We all have opinions and beliefs, if we truly want to know each other, we will welcome sharing views. True, some may not agree, but being “true to ourselves” as you said, may not win the popularity contest, but it will mean we stand up for our morals and principles.

      An example; Hunters and meat-eaters, put their views out there without reservation–why should I hide the fact that I’m Christian and vegan? Women promote and pose in fur coats–why can’t I be an advocate for cruelty-free fashion?

      I’m sure we don’t live very far apart and I hope we can meet someday in one of our charming Ontario towns!!

      Keep on blogging–you do it so well!!
      I appreciate your comments!!
      ❤ carmen


  8. Maggie Li says:

    Dear Carmen, your blog is really a nice one, I enjoy reading it , and the nice pictures you share sparkle your readers like flowers in the sky.


    • carmen says:

      Thank you soooo much, my dear Maggie!! What a poetic comment!!! I will do a post about you and me in the future. You are a precious friend and I love dancing together! I learned so much style from you!!

      Happy dancing!!
      ❤ carmen


  9. Congrats Carmen! Two years of blogging is a big deal – I hope I make it! Anyway, I enjoyed this post. I feel like I got to know you a little better from what you wrote here. You’ve got a lot of great reasons for blogging, some very similar to my reasons (except the fashion part – hehe!). I hope you continue blogging for a long time to come. I really enjoy connecting with you through our blogs. Celeste 🙂


    • carmen says:

      Thank you Celeste! So glad we met through blogging and hope to meet you someday!! 🙂

      I remain one of your faithful followers!!

      With love and compassion,
      ❤ carmen


❤️ I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for your comments! ❤️