Summer Celebration

SUMMER CELEBRATION is another fun dance choreographed by Ira Weisburd. Great summertime song by Pandera that you can buy on iTunes (Celebrate Da Summertime). I’m teaching it to all my classes, check out my dance page to review the steps and get ready to dance!!

Ingrid and I showed up at class with the same summer outfits (hers in blue and mine in red) ready for a cruise? – but I’d rather be dancin’ !!

Ingrid and carmenOMGoodness, you must think I have nothing else to wear – I’ve been wearing this top in the last several posts. I’m not wearing it today. Here’s today’s outfit. My little summer frock.

summer frock

What are you enjoying this summer?


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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8 Responses to Summer Celebration

  1. Ileana Trofin says:

    After a wonderful vacation with my children and granddaughter in California, I came back to Kitchener with its July hot and humid summer…which I really don’t like!… Luckily, each Monday afternoon, you – my dear talented dance teacher – made me feel happy and…cool! Your dance lessons on YouTube are very helpful, encourage me to dance at home and enjoy some other hot summer days than Mondays…I love dancing!!! Thank you, Carmen!


    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Ileana!

      You are a joy to my heart, I love your smile and enthusiasm, my dear!! So glad you like my dance lessons on Youtube. I’ll keep posting more dances.

      See you at dance!!

      ❤ carmen


  2. Pingback: Wedding Celebration | fashionable over 50

  3. Bob says:

    Some cruises are geared for dancing…..get to do both….cruises I have been on have only limited dancing facilities…


    • carmen says:

      I’d love to be an instructor on a dancing cruise!! That would be fun!!

      Happy dancing!!

      ❤ carmen


      • Bob says:

        I danced Summer Celebration at class Mon. eve. …..Pat Pallas taught it to the group…..a nice Samba Rhythm…..a very long intro…..the second time we started sooner rather than waiting and waiting (I think we started after 16 count).


  4. josepmbadia says:

    At best, learn to dance seeing you. Your little summer dress is beautiful, the print is very nice and the design, too. As always, gorgeous.


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