Beauty in the Forest

Beautiful, delicate trilliums are perennial woodland wildflowers found in Ontario in spring. The white trillium is the official flower and emblem of Ontario, and the symbol of the Government of Ontario, Canada.

trilliumEnjoying nature walks is one of my favourite things; it makes me happy to enjoy life’s simple pleasures – it’s free and so healthy! The fragrance of the forest and the peaceful atmosphere, takes me to a fairytale place where I can escape the busy, noisy city.

-2I love leggings with a long, lean top. This top has a subtle, animal print and it feels so soft.

Calvin Klein 1 Calvin Klein 2

Calvin Klein animal printThese black leggings look like jeans, complete with yellow stitching along the sides, hem and faux pockets.

yellow stitching on leggingsMy sandals have zippers and are quite comfortable for walking, as long as I stay on the beaten path.

jean leggings 1jean leggings 2

While most Ontarians grew up believing it’s illegal to pick them, only trilliums growing on property owned by conservation authorities and provincial parks are protected by law. Even so, I did not pick any, I prefer to take a snapshot – an image that will not die – rather than disturb this beauty in the forest!

❤️ carmen


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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11 Responses to Beauty in the Forest

  1. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  2. Bob says:

    PS….when I picked the trilliums, I was careful to break the stem without disturbing the roots believing, rightly or wrongly, that the plant would grow again next year.


  3. Bob says:

    I, too, thought picking trilliums was illegal….the only times I ever picked trilliums was for Mother’s day (for Mom, of course) and then on our own property so it wasn’t illegal after all… conscience is suaved after all these years…..ha ha. Thank you, Carmen.
    It would seem that I got my enjoyment of a walk in the woods during my youth. Such a walk puts you in touch with nature’s beauty and God’s presence.
    I see you have substantial sandals to give your feet some protection.


    • carmen says:

      How nice to have trilliums growing on your property, Bob!! Glad you thought it was illegal to pick them so that you didn’t pick them too often. 😉

      Happy to know you have a clear conscience now!! 🙂


  4. I also thought picking trilliums was illegal! I’m not going to regardless. I prefer them growing in the forest. Such a pretty flower. Love the outfit too. Long and lean with leggings as leggings, not pants 🙂


    • carmen says:

      Thanks, Jean!

      I NEVER wear leggings as pants; they should only be worn with long tops, which must be long enough to cover the crotch and derriere! That’s a fashion rule I’ll stick by and that is flattering for any figure, any age. Do you recognize the leggings? 🙂


  5. Suzanne says:

    Okay I learned something new today : )

    Since I am originally from Saskatchewan via Alberta, BC and Quebec learning that tid bit about Ontario was cool.

    You look like you are in heaven.



    • carmen says:

      Hi Suzanne!

      Thanks for commenting, glad you learned something about Ontario. We have so many amazing trails and woodlands in our area, including the famous Bruce Trail, Canada’s oldest and longest footpath.

      Pura vida!!

      ❤ carmen


  6. josepmbadia says:

    Hi Carmen, also my favorite hobby is walking through the woods and mountains, is where I’m happiest. I have never walked through the woods with sandals, worry damaging my feet. The white trillium flowers are beautiful and I like that do not pick, is a good habit. I love your look, the pants are very nice and the shirt is cute. The sandals are fantastic, although I worry your feet 🙂 You are also beauty in the forest.


    • carmen says:

      Not to worry – the path in this forest is very easy to walk, so sandals are no problemo!! A walk in the forest is pura vida – something we both enjoy!
      Thanks for stopping by, so nice to hear from you!!

      Pura vida!!

      ❤ carmen

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