Jean of All Trades


I promised that my previous post would be the last one about Hawaii. True to my word, I’ve changed focus from bikinis to boots. This also ties in nicely with Sophistique Noir’s theme post: Purple.

black and gray and purple

I bought these purple Hunter wedge-heel rain boots when my parents visited recently but I hadn’t yet posted the mom-daughter shots we took one rainy Seattle morning.


On this day, we ate brunch at Sunlight Vegetarian Café and were on our way to the Fremont Sunday Market (again). Boots are the best way to keep dry. Both pairs are mine–I loaned my mom, a blogger in her own right–the black knee-high MIA boots for the day. They’re faux leather and hold up really well in the wet.

Mom and Jean

Go see what other purple things people are writing about at Sophistique Noir!

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About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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3 Responses to Jean of All Trades

  1. josepmbadia says:

    Gorgeous, both mother and daughter. And magnificent boots, too. Jean’s boots are beautiful and your shirt, too.


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