It’s My Party

But I’m not crying!

After a fabulous weekend with some fabulous women, I’m celebrating my 61st birthday today–the candle on the cake!! (no icing, please! 😉 )

When I was young, women didn’t tell their ages and if they did tell–they lied about it! Fabulous women over 40 told their ages and were not ashamed! We are comfortable in our skin and too thankful to be concerned about numbers.

Count your blessings: not your age!

red dressred dress from La Creme

I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my mom. What I missed most about this experience was that my mom wasn’t able to be there. I learned so much more than just good manners and style from her. Her wisdom and sayings echo in my mind every day. She taught me to brush my teeth before putting on lipstick! 🙂

Dedicated to my mom

Taking a walk on the Catwalk …

More fashion news coming up in the days to come.


About carmen

Let’s make the world a better place with compassion.
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24 Responses to It’s My Party

  1. LFFL says:

    How CUTE!! You looked amazing! That is SO SO fun for you! You should do that again if you get a chance.


  2. Pingback: Flowers and Fuchsia | fashionable over 50

  3. twinkletoes says:

    Looking eagerly forward to more photos and videos…


  4. twinkletoes says:

    I like the way you criss-cross your feet as you walk the Catwalk. Your smile is so enchanting and captivating….your eyes sparkle…there is joy in your face.
    The shade of red is superb for you….do put an elegant dance dress of that colour on your wish list!! You and the dress….WOW!! You showed the dress elegantly….the dress showed you elegantly.


  5. twinkletoes says:

    Having fun looking at your blog.


  6. gracefully50 says:

    Happy birthday, Carmen! How fabulous do you look!
    I just saw your catwalk! HELLO! You’re a pro!
    So many February babies….mine’s next week.


  7. Ileana Trofin says:

    You look beautiful, dear Carmen! I still cannot believe you are 61.
    Happy birthday and many other gracious walks on the Catwalk!


  8. Wow! If 61 looks like that, I’ll take it!

    Happy Birthday!




  9. You look fantastic!
    Hope you have a fantastic year – Happy Birthday. 🙂


  10. josepmbadia says:

    The beautiful woman in red. You are truly spectacular, elegant and sophisticated. Your 61 years are wonderful. Congratulations on your style and your birthday. Tomorrow is mine (56), I’m excited sharing the date.


  11. You look absolutely stunning! Happy Birthday! Here’s to looking another year younger 🙂


    • carmen says:

      Thank you, Jean!! I remember watching you on the Catwalk when you were only 14 – a natural beauty!!!

      This was an experience of a lifetime, a highlight of the year (and it’s only February!) and a wonderful birthday present!!

      Would have been great if you were in town, but I’ll be posting lots more photos and videos so you’ll have a glimpse of the glamour we enjoyed!! ❤


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